Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Side 32

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Side 32
ycuc Ben In your boy’s future money must play an important part. The possession of it may mean success; the lack of it, failure. Your experience tells you what he cannot know— the value of money saved. You can give him a precious asset—the habit of saving. His first thousand dollars may mean a lifetime of success. Open an account for him today THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA “Exclude religion from education and you have no foun- dation upon which to build moral character.”—Eliot. “The right instruction of youth is a matter in which Christ and all the world is concerned.”—Luther. Fishermen's Supplies Limited 132 Princess Street :: :: Winnipeg, Man. -Sole Agents for 66 TANGLE BIN** LINEN AND COTTON NETTING We carry a large stock of standard netting and sideline, seam- ing twine and floats. Write for prices and quotations. PHONE 28 071 Adverse criticism is detrimental. Have your soiled frock dry cleaned at Perth Dye Works.—“The careful cleaners.” 30


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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