Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 37

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 37
prietor of the temple was called a godi, and it naturally resulted that these men became the community leaders, and the hof a community meeting place. These chiefs undertook to adjust disputes, and they became the cornerstone of the new state. The Althing, or national parliament, was founded in 930 and is the oldest legislative assembly in the world. In one respect this body occupies a unique place in the development of the State, for unlike the moots in other countries, which slowly and laboriously evolved into national organizations, the Icelandic Althing was really founded by men who deliberately set out to build a governmental structure. The island had been settled less than sixty years before; while there had been local things to take care of local needs, there had not probably been a national body or thing until 930, although there is some con- troversy on this point. Careful preparations and intensive study preceded the organization of the Althing. Like the American republic in 1789, the Icelandic structure sprang al- most full-blown from the brains of its founders. Divine Service Preceding the opening of the Icelandic Parliamentary Celebration 1930, conducted by Bishop Jon Helgason, D.D., in Almannagja One of the great men of Iceland went to Norway about the year 927, where he spent three years studying the Nor- wegian legal system; in the meantime his foster-brother travelled on horseback over Iceland in search of a suitable place for the national body to convene and transact the public busi- ness. When the law-giver, Crlfljot, returned with a complete code of laws and a scheme for the organization of a national government, he found that his foster-brother had located the meeting place of the Althing on a picturesque plain in the southern part of Iceland, which is known in history as 35


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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