Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 47

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 47
ing the three days of the celebration without a single accident in which anybody was seriously injured. Although over fifty thousand people milled back and forth on the Plains during the exciting events the chief of police informed the writer that it had not been necessary to make a single arrest. He also said that there had been no signs of intoxication or of the excessive use of intoxicants during the celebration. This was none the less impressive because of the interesting fact that the Chief, who had charge of the police force, was a Chicago policeman on leave of absence. Whatever the difficulty which Chicago may have in governing itself, one of her policemen proved an efficient head of the police force of Reykjavik, Iceland. “To be admired also was the national exhibit of arts and industry; the books, manuscripts, and relics in the national library and museum; and we stood in silent and awed wonder before the exquisitely beautiful conceptions of the sculptor, Einar Jonsson, whose genius the world will one day applaud as it now does that of Rodin and of Bertel Thorwaldsen. Rich in imaginative and interpretive talent, Einar Jonsson is too poor to put his creations into marble or bronze. But the Ice- landic Government has built a museum where they will remain, until some person of means devotes part of a fortune to the perpetuation of some of the finest art of the age.” 45


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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