Jón Bjarnason Academy

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Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Qupperneq 55

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Qupperneq 55
LEAVE YOUR FILMS WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN AT MOST DRUG STORES T/iyLCC’f LIMITED Kodaks, Gine Kodaks, Lantern Projectors and Supplies 260 EDMONTON ST - WINNIPEG. 36 steps South from Portage. “Except in rare instances, Christian colleges have been founded by far-seeing, consecrated men and women with very limited means. Had they waited until the Church was able to equip and endow its educational work adequately, it is a grave question whether the Church would have any colleges today. But to make them equal to the demands of the times, adequate endowment must now be provided.”—L. E. Holden. “I know Dartmouth is a small college, hut there are those who love it.”—Daniel Webster. “To educate the reason without educating the desire is like placing a repeating rifle in the hands of a savage.” —Herbert Spencer. McLaughlin-Buick for 1931 FOUR STRAIGHT EIGHTS Are now on display in our Showroom — Maryland at Portage. You are invited to see them. McLaughlin Motor Car Company Limited (Direct Factory Branch) Let Perth remove the qrit, that “sandpapers” your clothes threadbare. Phone 37 2Gfi. 53
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Jón Bjarnason Academy

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