Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 65

Jón Bjarnason Academy - 01.05.1931, Page 65
Aikins, Loftus, Aikins, Williams & MacAulay Barristers, Etc. J. T. Thorson, K.C. Sir James Aikins, K.C., LL.D. (1879—1929) Edwin Loftus, K.C., LL.D. Office: 411 Paris Bldg. G. H. Aikins, K.C. R. E. Curran E. K. Williams, K.C. D. A. Thompson J. A. MacAulay T. W. B. Hinch Phone 22 768 G. E. Tritschler Cable Address: “Aikins” Residence: 129 Niagara St. Somerset Block - Portage Ave. Phone 401 578 WINNIPEG Richards, Sweatman, C. G. Keith A. Griffin Fillmore, Riley & Watson Keith & Griffin Barristers & Solicitors Cable Address: “Bichaff” Barristers. Solicitors S. E. Richards, K.C. Travers Sweatman, K.C. Notaries Public W. P. Fillmore, K.C. Phone: 21 265 Harold J. Riley Robert Lennox W. Douglas Watson 303 National Trust Building 250 Portage Ave. 411 McIntyre Blk. Winnipeg WINNIPEG - CANADA Hon. E. J. McMurray T. C. Greschuk Hugh Mackenzie Wm. E. Driscoll Res. 49 595 Res. 31 922 J. Fletcher Campbell S. W. McMurray Res. 42 184 Mackenzie, Campbell McMurray, McMurray & Driscoll & Greschuk BARRISTERS, ETC. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Phones: 21 269 26 133 410 Electric Railway Chambers Office Tel. 26 821 - Winnipeg 32 C.P.R. Office Bldg. WINNIPEG D. R. C. MacLean, LL.B. John MacLean, M.A. (Oxon) John Christopherson, B.A., LL.B. MacLean & MacLean Barrister, Solicitor, Notary', Etc. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Telephone 21 613 PHONE: 24 163 845 Somerset Blk. - Winnipeg 702-3-4 Lombard Bldg. WINNIPEG, MAN. Send it to Perth Dye Works Limited. The Largest dry cleaners and dyers west of the Great Lakes. 63


Jón Bjarnason Academy

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