

Hagtíðindi - 01.01.2000, Qupperneq 1

Hagtíðindi - 01.01.2000, Qupperneq 1
Hagtíðindi 85. árgangur nr. 1 Monthly Statistics No. 1, January 2000 Monthly contents External trade .......................................................................... 2 Central Bank average USD and EUR rates ............................ 5 Imports ..................................................................................... 10 Exports ..................................................................................... 23 Consumer price index .............................................................. 41 Consumer price index less housing cost ................................. 45 Consumer price index for indexation of financial obligations 45 The old credit terms index for indexation of financial obligations ............................................................................... 45 Building cost index for residential buildings .......................... 46 Building cost index for non-residential buildings ................... 58 Wage index for the whole economy ......................................... 59 Index of pension scheme commitments for civil servants ........ 59 Fish catches ............................................................................. 61 Other contents Imports by countries and by divisions of the SITC, Rev. 3, January–December 1999 ........................................................ 14 Purchasing Power Parities and related economic indicators 1997 ........................................................................ 49 Wage changes of main groups on the labour market 1993–1999 ....................................................... 60 Passengers from abroad by citizenship 1996–1999 ............... 67 Passengers from abroad by months 1998–1999 ..................... 68 Passengers and vehicles from abroad on car ferries 1996–1999 ........................................................ 69 Passengers from abroad on luxury lines 1996–1999 ............. 69 Registered unemployment by sex and geographic location in 4th quarter 1999 ................................................... 70 New registrations of limited liability companies by sections of economic activities 1995–1999 ............................. 72 New registrations of limited liability companies by region 1995–1999 ................................................................... 72 Mánaðarlegt efni Vöruskiptin við útlönd ............................................................ 2 Meðalgengi dollars og evru ..................................................... 5 Innflutningur ............................................................................ 10 Útflutningur ............................................................................. 23 Vísitala neysluverðs ................................................................ 41 Vísitala neysluverðs án húsnæðis ............................................ 45 Vísitala neysluverðs til verðtryggingar ................................... 45 Vísitala fyrir eldri fjárskuldbindingar sem breytast eftir lánskjaravísitölu ....................................................................... 45 Vísitala byggingarkostnaðar .................................................... 46 Vísitala byggingarkostnaðar atvinnuhúsnæðis ........................ 58 Launavísitala ........................................................................... 59 Vísitala lífeyrisskuldbindinga fyrir opinbera starfsmenn ........ 59 Fiskafli ..................................................................................... 61 Annað efni Innfluttar vörur eftir löndum og vörudeildum janúar–desember 1999 ............................................................ 14 Alþjóðlegur verðsamanburður og jafnvirðisgildi árið 1997 ... 49 Launabreytingar helstu launþegahópa á vinnumarkaði 1993–1999 ..................................................... 60 Farþegar til landsins eftir ríkisfangi 1996–1999 ..................... 67 Farþegar til landsins eftir mánuðum 1988–1999 .................... 68 Farþegar og ökutæki til landsins með bílferjum 1996–1999 .. 69 Farþegar með skemmtiferðaskipum til landsins 1996–1999 .. 69 Skráð atvinnuleysi eftir kyni og búsetu á 4. ársfjórðungi 1999 ............................................................. 70 Nýskráning hlutafélaga og einkahlutafélaga í hlutafélagaskrá eftir atvinnugreinum 1995–1999 ................... 72 Nýskráning hlutafélaga og einkahlutafélaga í hlutafélagaskrá eftir landsvæðum 1995–1999 ........................ 72 Efnisyfirlit Bls. Contents Page
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