The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 15.01.1971, Page 6

The White Falcon - 15.01.1971, Page 6
Page 6 THE WHITE FALCON January 15, 1971 Out and about socially...with your heljB more extensive coverage, and we shall look forward to hearing from you. New social news... Your hints needed as contributions by Margaret Bekker In the past, we have printed our social news anywhere we could fit it in. From now on, we shall group it together in one section, and would like to extend it to include some cultural items and articles of interest to women. We shall not neglect our male readers though and home to present some features they can enjoy too. For this we need your help. Ladies, this will be mainly for you, and we would like to know the kind of things YOU would like to see on this page. We feel that there must be wo- men on the base who have had unu- sual careers or hobbies, and we would like to know about them and feature them in a "Lovely Lady" column. "Lovely" in this respect does not have to mean beautiful of face and figure — to us it means someone who is lovely be- cause of what she does, and the kind of person she is. Of course, if we have any ex-beauty contest winners we'd love to hear about that toot If you have any good trled-and- true recipes, the virtually foolproof kind that do not need many ingredients, please bring them in. Women are always look- ing for different recipes and household hints, and these are particularly helpful to working wives and newbrides who, perhaps, do not have much experience in cooking and running a home. These may seem small items, but if it's a case of 50 women contributing to make just one person's day easieror brighter it's well worth the time and effort taken isn't it? On the "Housewives Special" in the mornings Fred Nemecek calls you "my lady" — doesn’t it make you feel rather special? This is the kind of atmosphere we want to impart. Please let us have ALL the so- cial news on base, plus advance notice of forthcoming events. Not only do we,and all personnel, want to enjoy reading about what goes on, but this also gives new- comers information on all the groups and clubs available to them. With your help we can have January OWC coffee The January Officers Wives Club held a hail and bless coffee sponsored by IDF-ComFairKef. Among the new members hailed were Linda Boyles,Helen Kirkwood, Mary Collins, Ann Webster, Betty Cameron, Carol Polk, Loma Zwei- gle, Tabby Cronin, Shirley Orme, and Sharon Mesak. Sadly blessed was Joan Weaver who will be going to Philadelphia. The new board members were in- troduced by the president, PPenny Chitty. Nancy Wilson will be the new second vice-president. Iso- bel Kline is the new parliamen- tarian, and Delores McLaurin is taking over as coffee chairman. There will be no luncheon this month. The fashion show on the evening of January 23 will take its place. Fashion show tickets Tickets are now on sale at the Officer's Club for the OWC Spring Fashion Show, to be sponsored by the wives of the 57th FIS, on Saturday, January 23. The even- ing will start with cocktails at 6 p.m. Dinner will be at 7 p.m., followed by the showing of the spring collection of fashions by Simonhoward of London. Cost is $2.50 per person, which includes both dinner and the show. The evening is not just for ladies —we want to see plenty of couples. After tickets have been purchases, table reservations can be made by calling Mrs. Cooley at 8235, or Mrs. Rech at 8459. Marriage announcements Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Villegas of Keflavik, Iceland, announce the coming marriage of their daughter Cherrie Tonette to RM3. James N. Mouhourtis, son of and Mrs. Nicholas J. Mouhour of Gary, Indiana. The wedd will be solemnized at the naval station chapel at 4 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1971. RM3 w il Social note Leslie M. Thomas, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Thomas of this station, is a member of the 1970-71 Virginia Wesleyan College women's basketball team. Weekly schedule of religious services The following is a schedule of as they occur through the week. religious services and activities ROMAN CATHOLIC Daily masses are held in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel Monday and Wednesday at 5 p.m. and Tuesday and Friday at 12:15 p.m. Sunday masses are conducted at the Polar Club at 10 a.m. and the Main Chapel at 12:15 and 5 p.m. Confessions occur one-half hour before all masses with Father Leo Joyce presiding. Religious education classes for Catholic members are conducted in the school building at 11 a.m. Sunday. PROTESTANT Sunday is a full schedule with Sunday School for all ages at the school building at 9:20 a.m. with an adult discussion group in same building at the same time. Then morning worship service is hi at the Main Chapel at 10:45 a.m. with communion services held eve1 first and third Sunday of the month. Evening service is held at the Main Chapel at 5 p.m., the Fellow- ship Hour at the Chapel Annex at 7:45 p.m. (See SERVICES, Page 11) tne


The White Falcon

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