The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 24.12.1971, Blaðsíða 9

The White Falcon - 24.12.1971, Blaðsíða 9
MM CALLER: A call was received from Lt. E. W. Huber over the week- end of Dec. 11-12. Lt. Huber challenged the process used by the Com- mander's Action Line to promulgate C. A. L. action. Paraphrased, Lt. Huber suggested that C. A. L. print all calls in the White Falcon and adhere to Z-Gram 60, which estab- -------------------------------- lished the Action Line Program, . , . , , question and answer in the White more closely. ^ „ , . C.A.L.: In regard to the Falcon' The Falc°n 6 n” process used and the handling of deavors to publish a variety of each individual's Action Line well-balanced, informative ques- _ _ , tions and answers. Regardless of call, Lt. Huber was given a per- , _ , , _ ,, , . ; . whether the question, recommenda- sonal reply from the Action Line Officer. For the benefit of all, tlon or complaint is printed, the history of the C.A.L. is out- each Actlon Llne caller 13 9lven lined below. a Personal reply and notified of _ ’ , , _ . . _ • the action taken concerning his The Commander's Action Line , „. . , 3 „ or her call. Since the estab- was started at the NATO Base as ... ■j .. T__ . . . . _ . lishment of the Action Line an idea of the IDF Assistant Pub- , , . . „,, . c- . here, the response has been over- lie Affairs Officer. The first ... ... .. - . , whelming. Although Action Lines incoming call was received and , , , , , - . , . , . . throughout the world are run a answered two weeks prior to t h e , . _3 , c n r. rrs m. little differently, the Keflavik receipt of Z-Gram 60. When Z- , 1 „ _ NATO Base can boast one of the Gram 60 was issued on Nov. 18, . . . . , .. finest. In questions ranging 1970 it stated the purpose was , ^ . "to encourage a free exchange of from the l°ng-needed repair of a -ideas and recommendations between household fixture, to the verifi- personnel and command on ways catlon of. an ,exlstln9 instruc- ^■improve a 1 1 aspects of Navy tlon' Actlon Llne has always an~ Wfe." Further, it stated that s^red every question promtly and all comments and recommendations efficiently. should be treated as if they had CALLER: Where do we report been submitted on paper. C.A.L. erroneous entries appearing in of course, expanded the mission, the telephone directory? to include all services at the •C.A.L.: According to the NATO Base. All calls concerning Telephone Officer, CEC Ralph recommendations for improving the Wrl5ht, all corrections should be various aspects of service life sent via memorandum form to the were logged and then forwarded to Telephone Office in Bldg. 166. the Commander, Iceland Defense The Party sporting the correc- Force or the cognizant official. tlons should state the listing as A recording device was ordered to ifc incorrectly appears and the handle the 50 to 60 calls re- wa* lfc would aPPear it it were ceived each day. Upon receipt of correct. The Telephone Office the answer or approval or disap- also notes that shortly after the proval of the recommendation, the holidays, a new personnel section caller w a s promptly advised of for the ^rectory will be pub- ., . . lished. the results. As of Nov. 18, 1971, C. A. L. _____ has been fortunate to have the automatic answering device i n service. Although Z-Gram 60 does not specify public printing of calls and comments, C. A. L. has attempted to publish those calls of general interest, space per- mitting. Because many questions are of a recurring nature or are limited interest to wide num- ^^Bs of personnel, (ie; "What do I use to take skis or ^Tiomemade cookies off base?") it i s impossible t o print every WHITE FALCON Bishop Ahern completed visit here Sunday Bishop Patrick Ahern of New York completed a successful 2-day visit to the NATO Base Sunday. Bishop Ahern arrived here Sat- urday as a spe- cial emissary of his Eminence, Terence Cardinal Cooke, Vicar Gen- eral of the Armed Forces. The Bishop was accompanied o n the v i s i t by Brigadier General John Albert, Deputy Chief of Chaplains, USAF; Captain James Killeen, CHC, USN, Director, Chaplains Division BUPERS; Colo- nel Robert Overman, Personnel Ac- tions, Chief of Chaplains Office, USAF; and Colonel Norman Metsy, USAF, Assistant Command Chaplain of Ent AFB, Colorado. On arrival from Greenland, Bishop Ahern attended a dinner in his honor at the 56 Club. Spe- cial dinner guests included the American Ambassador to Iceland and Mrs. Luther I. Replogle; Rear Admiral and Mrs. John K. Beling, Commander Iceland Defense Force; and the Catholic Bishop of Ice- land, Henrick Frehen of Reykja- vik. Also attending the dinner were Commander Air Forces Ice- land, Colonel and Mrs. Budd Butcher; Captain and Mrs. Jack H. McDonald, Commander Naval Forces Iceland, and various members of the local military and religious community. Sunday morning. Bishop Ahern participated in a 7 a.m. con- celebrated mass at the NATO Base Main Chapel before departing for Copenhagen at 9 a.m. Pre-schoolers gather a- round Kris Kringle dur- ing their Christmas Party. The party was held at the Youth Cen- ter Dec. 17, giving the 'Grand Ole Fella' a chance to relax with the youngsters before his big rush.


The White Falcon

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