The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 01.02.1980, Side 1

The White Falcon - 01.02.1980, Side 1
Annual JO - Auto inspection starts Monday The annual Icelandic mandatory Inspection of JO tagged motor vehic- les will be held from 1:15 to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, start- ing Monday through March 20. Inspection will be held at build- ing T-507, the Navy Exchange Car Wash. It is important that person- nel arrive for inspection on time, on the dates specified because of the number of vehicles to be proces- sed. Straggler days are intended for personnel who are unable to use primary days because of TAD require- ments, flights, emergency leave, etc. To get to the car wash you pro- ceed from NEX Service Station down Transportation fence on your right at all times to Bldg. T-507. The following requirements must be met in order for your car to be inspected. The vehicle must be ready for inspection, it must have a valid headlight inspection sticker and have vehicle registration (both Icelandic and military) and insur- ance papers with you. All vehicles must be equipped with tires of the size specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Oversized tires will not be acceptable. Remember the new 1980 insurance begins March 1. Those persons whose vehicles are inspected after March 1 will be required to show proof of purchase of 1980 insurance (receipt at least). Although not absolutely necessary it is recommended that those persons whose vehicles are in- spected before March 1 also have their 1980 policies. See inspection schedule on page 2 Volume 23, Number 5 February 1,1980 Air Force Chief of Staff outlines new program HQ TAC—Air Force Chief of Staff General Lew Allen Jr. has adopted the term "Buck Stop" to identify a new Air Force program that decen- tralize decision levels throughout the force. Many of the USAF's major commands already have aggressive programs designed to accomplish the same results. They will all now function under this common name. Although not specificially named, Tactical Air Command (TAC), has had such an ongoing decentralization program for the past 18 months and it already has produced the same type of results as called for in the new Air Force-wide program. General W.L. Creech, TAC comman- der, vigorously supports the Air Force Buck Stop Program and looks at Major General John L. Piotrowski, Deputy Commander for Air Defense, Tac- tical Air Command, was the featured speaker at AFI's Dining In held last Saturday. The General was here for an orientation of AFI units in Ice- land. Story on Gen. Piotrowski's visit appears on page three. (Photo by J03 David Guise) it as an extension of the TAC pro- gram. "In this age of mass communica- tion, decision making authority gravitates upward," said General Creech, "we must continue to look for ways to get it back down to the lowest feasible level. I stress this should not only apply to dele- gating authority from senior to sub- ordinate headquarters," he noted, "but also within a wing, squadron or shop." He added, "Supervisors all levels must look for reason- able ways to delegate more authority downward—including officers to NCOs and NCOs to airmen." General Creech also said, "We have a good start on this program in TAC. I have stressed the decen- tralization concept ever since I as- sumed command of TAC and it has been a central theme covered with TAC wing commanders in all my meetings with them." He also noted that "while we have made much progress in this area there is more that can. be done." Further, General Creech said that "I must also point out that taking on additional authority at lower levels must, of necessity, be acom- panied by an assumption of respon- sibility to exercise that new authority with appropriate care and good judgement. It is quite clear that a responsible application of authority will lower levels begets more authority—whereas its irres- ponsible application leads to less authority. "My working assumption," See new program - page 3


The White Falcon

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