The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 21.05.1982, Page 3

The White Falcon - 21.05.1982, Page 3
the Hospital? Oaks takes first in USO poetry contest Results from the USO Poetry Contest are in. Receiving an honorable mention is Mark Isembarger; Byron D. E. James is in third place; and second place was given to James Dinsmore. First place winner is Kathleen Oaks, who won with this poem: Did you hibernate, Icelander, Viking son of long ago? Did you sleep away The months of ice and snow? What did you do with the dark hours? Such precious little light Dreaming of Valhalla Or an age-old fight? Hunting in ghostly forests Stung by icy gales Regailing one another With such bloody tales. Did you watch the northern lights, The ever-setting sun The ageless starlit night sky, As each of us has done? What’s new at by LT James Libby On occasion, it becomes necessary to explain to the Keflavik patient popu- lation what in the world the folks at the finest Naval medical facility north of the 63rd parallel are up to. This week, the topic of conversation is the OB/GYN situation at the station hospital .^^umor has it that the assigned OB/GYN pH^pcian has been transferred and there are no replacements on board, so that the flight surgeon and two corpsmen are going to deliver babies in the back of the ambulance out in the garage. Close, but no cigar folks. The fact of the matte^K the OB/GYN physician was medically^nr evaced to the States with medical problems of her own, but that did not leave the hospital without OB/GYN coverage. In fact, Dr. Meriwether, the hospital director, is an OB/GYN physician. Now you have to admit that CAPT Meri- wether has her hands full trying to run the hospital and keeping me under control; so, to give her more time, the Navy sent CAPT McMahon to Keflavik. He is the head of the OB/GYN department at the medical center in Bethesda. He saw patients and delivered babies for the seven days that he was with us. He was replaced by Dr. Bryan Cowan, who is also from Bethesda. Dr. Cowan will be here until Dr. Farber, who is the replacement for our permanently assigned OB/GYN physician, arrives in July. Are you getting confused? The most important thing for pro- spective mommies to remember 1s that there is OB/GYN coverage and not a day has gone by when that coverage was not available. Next item in the rumor mill: folks are getting excited because prospective mommies will be seeing three physicians The Air Force has implemented a program to uncover fraudulent, wasteful or abusive practices. The primary elements of FW&A prevention and detection exist within the Air Force in the audit, inspection, investigation and security areas. However, it is the responsibility of every military member to guard against and report known or suspec- ted FW&A. Although detection and prose- cution serve as needed deterrents, preven- tion before the resources are lost is the key element of the program. The AFI In- spector General, LTCOL William Wells, is the focal point for prevention of FW&A within Air Force units here. during their pregnancies. Not to worry, again. Though the physicians may change, the basic philosphy behind the medical practice remains the same as does the availability of the medical record which is of paramount importance. Medical care at Keflavik remains the best in the world. The key to successful medical practice is communication with the patient population.^jf anyone, especially prospective parents^ias any questions, they should contact the hospital direc- tor immediately. Navy Cangpus notes Los Angeles Metropolitan College is currently accepting applications for a mathematics instructor for the functional skills program. This is a daytime class offered Monday through Friday. Appli- cants must have either a bachelor's de- gree in mathematics or a bachelor's degree in science with a concentration in mathematics. Apply in person at the Navy Campus office in the Viking Mall, The University of Maryland will have an evaluator in Keflavik June 7-10. If you are interested in having your credits evaluated, call the Navy Campus office at 6226/7795 for an appointment. The Veterans''Administration has approved the Cleveland Institute of Electronic Independent Study Degree pro- gram - associate in applied science 1n electronics engineering technology for benefits. The Cleveland Veteran's Ad- ministration regional office will handle paperwork pertinent to the application and processing of VA benefits for students enrolled in this "independent study" pro- gram. For more information call the Navy Campus Office at 6226 or 7795, Each member of the Air Force, military or civil tan, has the right to file a dis- closure without fear of reprisal. How- ever, in making a disclosure, it is the individual's responsibility to provide factual, unbiased and specific informa- tion. Report known or suspected FW&As to your supervisor, commander, AFI In- spector General or use the defense hot- line, autovon 227-1061. Before using the hotline, insure you have exhausted all local means to solve the problem. If you do call, be sure to give specifics such as names, places, dates, etc. For more information, call Capt. Randle at 6222. 4 VP-11 LCDRS make CDR Four VP-11 lieutenant commanders were recently promoted to the rank of commander and pinned on their silver oak leaves. Promoted were CDR Rick Corn, operations officer; CDR John Kane, maintenance of- ficer; CDR David Southworth, training officer and tactical coordinator for Crew Three; and CDR Rick Thacker, assistant operations officer and tactics officer. O'Club closed Mon., Tues. The Officer's Club will be^Josed on Monday and Tuesday due to ger.^»’mal in- stallation. New women's group forming A new NATO Base Women's Group, consoli- dating the Windbreaker and Top of the Rock women's groups, is being formed. All E-5 through E-9 active-duty womer^^J enlisted wives are invited to an infonBr "welcome tea" at the Top of the Rock on Monday at 7 p.m. For more information, call Lana at 7242. Excess furniture sale A retail sale of excess household-type furniture to Defense Force members will be held in Bldg. T-866 Monday at 9 a.m. Purchasers are required to pay for and remove items immediately and no assistance will be provided in moving the furniture by sales personnel. Payment must be in cash. Checks will not be accepted. Sales will be conducted on a first- come, first-served basis. All furniture is sold on an as-is, where-is basis, with- out refund or exchange. Retail tags attached to furniture should be removed by sales personnel only. USO schedule TODAY: Fish fry from 6 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. Washington, DC, Day--free cherry treats for all residents. SATURDAY: Chess tournament at 10 a.m. Model display from noon, to 3 p.m. Judging will be at 3:30 p.m.; prizes will be awarded. Nebraska Day—free corn husker taco for all residents. SUNDAY: U.S. Territory Day--free Pepsi for all residents. MONDAY: Women's Get Together from 10 a.m. until noon. Free babysitting ser- vice is provided. TUESDAY: Pinochle at 6:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY: Pinochle at 1:30 p.m. THURSDAY: Free chili supper for single and unaccompanied personnel at 5 p.m., sponsored by the Protestant Chapel. A flea market will be held May 29 from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. The Keflavik Gaming Bureau meets every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the USO Music Room. Instruction is available in every type of fantasy, war and Dungeon and Dragon game. Facilities and supplies will be provided. For more information, call 7980/6113. AF cracks down on fraud Home fire safety Fire Inspector Ragnar Gunnarsson visited with NATO Base children at the A.T. Mahan Lower School last week and talked with the students about fire safety in the home. The kids were given home fire inspection check lists to be completed with their parents. Students who returned their checklists the following day were awarded a Sparky fire badge. (Photo by PH3 Steve Flewellyn) May 21, 1982 WHITE FALCON


The White Falcon

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