The White Falcon - 14.12.1984, Síða 2
National Care and Share Day Proclaimed by President Reagan
President Ronald Reagan has proclaimed Dec. 15,
1984, as National Care and Share Day, calling
upon all Americans to demonstrate their spirit of
generosity and cooperation by joining in partner-
ship with others in our land to provide addition-
al food for those in need during the holiday
President Reagan is joined by Secretary of
Defense Casper Weinberger in asking that all DOD
agencies support National Care and Share Day as a
demonstration of the concern of the American
people for the needy of our land.
National Care and Share Day offers base com-
munities throughout the military the opportunity
to show generosity to all in need on the local
level. Base chapel communities are already deep-
ly involved in this cause during the holiday sea-
son. Therefore, military installations around
the world have been asked to spearhead National
Care and Share Day.
Major David J. Bena, of the Air Force's Chief
of Chaplain's Office, stated that, "Bases have
participated in holiday season volunteer programs
and food and toy donations in the past but this
is the first year we've had a presidential proc-
lamation to focus on."
Military bases have been asked to conduct food
distribution, cash grants and volunteer programs
on Dec. 15, and base chapels will also hold Sun-
day services to reflect the National Care and
Share theme.
For more information concerning National Care
and Share Day activities and points of contact
here on the NATO Base, please contact the 3ase
Chapel or the Family Services Center.
Personal perspective
Whether or not to have prayer in public schools
has been a controversial issue in the United States
for a long time. Now, some states are trying to
A03 Bryan Canty - If
a person wants to
pray in school, let
'em. They should be
able to pray, because
that's the way the
U.S. has everything
run. We as American's
have our beliefs and
rights. One of those
rights is praying in
Sydney Steele - They
shouldn't have a time
set aside in school
for prayer. I think
people should pray
in their churches and
homes. Also, stu-
dents shouldn't have
a moment of silence
for prayer in school.
implement a moment of silence as part of their
procedures. This week The White Falcon asked:
How do you feel about prayers in schools?
SGT Marty Adkins - I
think its alright.
Students should be
allowed to pray in
schools, if they want
to. A moment of
silence shouldn't go
pass 5 or 10 minutes.
Everyone can handle
a couple of minutes.
TSGTMarilyn Clover -
Prayer is a private
matter, it shouldn't
be in schools. People
are there for an ed-
ucation. Religion
and education should
be separated. Prayer
should take place in
the home and in
1HE WHITE FALCON is published weekly by the Ice- COMICEDEFOR
land Defense Force Public Affairs Office for Mil- Public Affairs Officer .CDR Dorothy J. Schmidt
itary and civilian personnel and their dependents stationed in Iceland. It is printed by the Naval Editorial Staff
Station Print Shop with appropriated funds per NAVSO P-35. Opinions expressed herein are not ne- Editor
cessarily those of IDF, DOD, or the U.S. Govern- Photographer
ment. The White Falcon office is located in Bldg. Layout/Reporter
936 on the NATO Base, Ext. 4612. Layout/Reporter .J03 Elizabeth Rathbone
December 14, 1984 The White Falcon