Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.08.2014, Blaðsíða 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.08.2014, Blaðsíða 6
6 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 1 — 20116 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 3 — 2014 News | Rise Up Restaurants, bars and clubs in Ice- land are notorious for the use of what is known as jafnaðarkaup (“median pay”)—a form of wage offsetting. By most collective bargaining agree- ments in the service industry, a work- er is supposed to receive a base hourly wage, plus an extra percentage for working evenings, nights, weekends and holidays. Jafnaðarkaup, on the other hand, sets one hourly wage for any and all shifts an employee works. An employer will tell an unsuspecting employee—almost always a foreigner or a young Icelander—that it all aver- ages out in the end. Every labour and immigrant rights official the Grape- vine spoke to unequivocally agrees that it is actually exploitative—as well as widespread, and seemingly un- stoppable. “It is our opinion that people working in the hospitality indus- try shouldn’t generally have jaf- naðarkaup,” Sigurður Bessason, chair of the trade union Efling, tells us. “We believe that wage agreements should be honoured, but the problem with jafnaðarkaup is that it can be fine if you always work similar shifts, and the day and night shifts are itemised on the pay slip. The problem with it is that if you have irregular shifts, where you’ll sometimes work eve- nings and sometimes days, then jaf- naðarlaun doesn’t mean anything to you.” Hjalti Tómasson, a caseworker for the trade union Báran, expresses his misgivings more bluntly. “Jaf- naðarkaup is an ugly term that keeps popping up, which in most instances involves the employees being short- changed, that’s just the way it is,” he says. “I do emphasise that this isn’t true of all employers, many of them have everything in order and pay the correct wages, but they then com- plain about other companies getting a competitive advantage. Most of the jobs involved aren’t well paid, which makes it even more horrible when staff is paid less than they are due.” Immigrant workers are vulnerable Numerous Grapevine readers, upon seeing the Lebowski Bar story, com- mented that this was commonplace in the service industry, especially amongst immigrant workers. Some of them shared stories about being cheated out of their wages. One read- er, commenting on the story, wrote: “I'm also very sad that an Icelander got an article if this happens, but [there is] nothing about places where the boss is cheating and make[s] for- eigners work without any [payslips] or fair salary.” But Sigurður contends this has less to do with the nationality of the workers than the industry itself. “I think it’s more a matter of the indus- try, which has more immigrant work- ers,” he says. “We get immigrants and locals alike. Generally speaking, I’ve felt that immigrant workers know their rights as well as Icelanders. They may take some time to adjust, but the important thing is for them to first know where to turn for help.” Hjalti disagrees that nationality does not play a part: “It mostly ap- plies to foreigners because Icelanders know better—it’s common knowledge to them that there are unions here, and regardless of what opinion peo- ple have of them, they know we have certain leverage.” He continues: “It’s first and foremost the foreigners that are exploited, and it is very troubling to us to hear how they are treated. There are stories that you wouldn’t believe happened in Iceland, things you only see in films; there are people that are practi- cally imprisoned here, held hostage by their employers who they depend on for their social se- curity number, tax card, food and lodg- ings—if these employees open their mouths, they are out on the street with nothing to show for it.” Knowledge = Power If foreigners are more likely to be sub- ject to exploitation than Icelanders due to not knowing their rights, how should they glean this knowledge in the first place? Immigrants to Iceland need a per- mit to work. This is obtained from the Directorate of Labour. While it may seem intuitive that these would be the officials to inform immigrants of their working rights, this is not the case. “When a given work permit is is- sued, the applicant doesn’t receive any special information or guidance about immigrants’ labour rights,” Gísli Davíð Karlsson, who works in the Directorate’s legal department, told us. “In the circumstances that an immigrant contacts the Director- ate about his labour rights, he can receive some minimal information. More extensive information or for- mal assistance isn’t provided by the Directorate, but those immigrants are referred to their relevant trade union or The Icelandic Confederation of La- bour (ASÍ).” ASÍ’s webpage indeed offers an English language option. However, it mostly provides general informa- tion on the union itself, rather than the “more extensive information” they might expect to find on the Directorate’s r e c om m e n d a t ion . Efling is the same story all over again— if extensive infor- mation in English on the working rights of foreigners indeed exists, it’s certainly not to be found on their English web- page. While Sigurður informs us that the owners of Lebowski Bar have since agreed to pay their employees in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement for restaurant and bar workers, both he and Hjalti expressed a feeling of powerlessness over what they have come to view as an increase in service industry work- er exploitation. “Of course, we always try to con- tact the employers, and encouraging the companies to change their wage policies, but we can’t ever guarantee that they won’t make mistakes in do- ing so correctly,” Sigurður says. “We’re only allowed to help those that come to us,” Hjalti offers. “Peo- ple within the labour movement have tried to address these matters with companies that are repeat offend- ers, but going into the companies and reaching out to their employees only reveals our powerlessness.” Where the law fails The trade union officials believe their hands are tied due to labour law itself. “We have no say over the judicial system, but it’s certainly the case that companies bear no responsibility for paying the correct wages, and maybe that’s something to reconsider,” ac- cording to Sigurður. Hjalti takes much the same tack, putting responsibility squarely at the feet of government. “We have laws that dictate that people need to be paid according to the contracts in place, but they aren’t enforced, leav- ing companies that underpay their staff free from any consequences oth- er than paying what they should have been paying originally,” he says. “We need legal reform. Disregarding wage agreements needs to be made not just illegal, but punishable by law.” For now, trade unions can only ad- dress exploitation on a case-by-case basis, there is no legal recourse if an employer consistently breaks wage agreements, and information on what those agreements even are can prove, at best, difficult to find (especially for the average immigrant in Iceland). Workers brave enough to contact to seek the resources they need and or- ganise can be provided with the tools they need to take control of their workplaces, but to do that, they need to know what their rights are in the first place. So far, there appears to be little willingness from relevant offi- cials to get that information into the hands that need it most. Earlier this month, a news story broke in the Icelandic media that a young Icelandic girl working at Lebowski Bar was fired after she asked to be paid minimum wage—effectively a pay rise over what she was getting. The story sparked shock and outrage amongst many. To others, it was merely par for the course. “There are stories that you wouldn’t believe happened in Iceland, things you only see in films; there are people that are practically imprisoned here, held hostage by their em- ployers.” WORKERS UNITE! How the service industry exploits workers, and why nothing is changing Words by Paul Fontaine and Tómas Gabríel Benjamin
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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