Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.12.2014, Síða 42

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.12.2014, Síða 42
ART OPENINGS AND ONGOING Dec 5 - Jan 8 How to use the listings: Venues are listed alphabetically by day. For com- plete listings and detailed information on venues visit Send us your listings to: listings@ Opening ART67 'Litaspil / Playing With Colours' by Gréta Erlendsdóttir Gréta Erlendsdóttir is the guest artist of ART67 this month. Her work is often characterised by abstract oil paintings that play with colours, with the human form visible in one way or another in her pieces. She is often inspired by nature and the bold colours of her surroundings. Opens December 6 Runs until December 31 City Libarary, Spöng ‘Washed Up’ by Gunnhildur Þórðardóttir Gunnhildur’s 2d and 3d works consists of numerous items that have been discarded and washed up on the shore, or extra materials that she puts to good use. The works are, in a way, transformed from junk and litter into pieces of art. Sustainability is the name of the game in this exhibit, and its title is a reference to a poem Gunnhildur wrote about sustainability and our consumer-fuelled society. Opens December 6 Runs until April 12 Ekkisens The Royal Drawing Exhibition Eight young aspiring male Icelandic artists will be exhibiting a diverse selection of drawings. The artists are all self-proclaimed geniuses who secretly consider themselves better than the next and use this exhibition as a battleground to measure their skills in true pissing contest-fashion. Opens December 5 Runs until December 11 Gallery Verkstæði Artist Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson has an exhibition from his early years (1977- 1980) that were at the time described by reviewers as being “the last paintings made in Iceland” due to how bad they were. Undaunted, or perhaps encouraged by such words, Helgi has brought those very same works back and is putting them on display. Opens December 11 Runs until January 11 Harbinger ‘Snjókoma’ by Guðbjörg Káradóttir & Ólöf Jakóbína Ernudóttir This ceramic-designer duo has made a collection of 1,000 porcelain pieces. The exhibit is named ‘Snjókoma,’ which means “Snowfall,” which is apt as the thousand pieces all hang from the ceiling of the venue. Opens December 6 Runs until December 23 Hitt Húsið Christmas Design Market Young designers will exhibit and sell their design and home-made goods. The market will be open from 17-22, with free coffee and gingerbread available to visitors. Open December 11 Loft Hostel Iceland Academy Of Art Christmas Market Students from the Iceland Academy Of Art display their wares from 13:00 to 16:00, just in time for the big seasonal gift splurge. Open December 6 and 13 Candle Workshop A free candle workshop is on from 19:00. Open December 10 Swap Til You Drop This STYD is Christmas themed, so bring your used clothes and swap them for something you or your friends can use, from 16:00 to 20:00. Open December 17 Christmas Decoration & Card Making Learn from the pros how to make festive decorations and cards, from 20:00. Open December 18 Mokka Kaffi 'Grjótaþorpið' by Gylfi Gíslason Following the re-release of a book from 1980 about Grjótaþorpið, a small neighbourhood in the heart of 101 Reykjavík, an art exhibit with works from the late Gylfi Gíslason will be on display at Mokka Kaffi. In addition to writing said book about Grjótaþorpið, Gylfi was a multi-talented artist who had numerous exhibits, and taught drawing classes. Opens December 5 Runs until January 9 The National Museum Christmas Exhibition The museum offers special christmas exhibitions as well as a christmas family activity game. The Icelandic Yule Lads visit the Museum at 11:00 every day from December 12 until Christmas Eve. On December 13 Dr. Terry Gunnell will have an illustrated presentation in English on Icelandic Christmas traditions in the past and present. Opens December 12 Runs until December 24 The National Gallery ‘New Works’ by Jón Óskar Jón Óskar is one of Iceland’s better known artists who has displayed with numerous exhibitions in museums and galleries around the world. In his photographs, drawings, and prints, he explores the conflict between the surface of the picture plane and the subjects he portrays, whether they are portraits, historical themes, or personal references. Runs until February 8 SÍM Kanill This group exhibit of 80 participants includes art of all kinds of mediums, with each piece capped at a 15,000 ISK price tag. There is no curation, artists hang up their own pieces in whatever fashion they fancy, giving the whole exhibit a salon-vibe. Opens December 4 Runs until December 22 Reykjavík Museum Of Photography ‘Flat 5’ by María Kristín Steinsson María’s exhibit features a series of 15 long exposure photographs that that capture the entire duration of a performed activity unfolding in front of the camera. Through repetitive, mundane tasks carried out within the boundaries of her home, she attempts to reveal how traces of our existence appear as time passes by. As a result the photographs contains both time and movement condensed within a still image. Opens December 11 Runs until February 3 Ongoing Árbær Open Air Museum A guided tour in English through this open air museum, which consists of twenty buildings happens daily at 13:00. Admission 1,300 ISK. On permanent view the weather. Runs until December 31 Anarkía Meinvill In Anarkía ‘Meinvill’ is a mysterious word, known from the icelandic version of the beloved christmas carol "Silent Night." Thus, the title brings to mind thoughts of christmas CHECK OUT THE NEW REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM C OM P R I S I N G 5 TO P MU S E UMS: Árbær Open Air Musem Viðey Island Reykjavík Museum of Photography Reykjavík Maritime Museum The Settlement Exhibition Vegamótastíg | 101 Reykjavík | tel. 511 3040 | Diverse menu, great value and a wide selection of cocktails, beers and wines. ALL IN ONE RESTAURANT Kitchen Bar Café Laugavegur Ve ga m ót Be rg st að as tr . .tsrappalK Skólavörðustígur Grettisgata Suðurgata 41 / 101 Reykjavík Along with the permanent exhibition that features Iceland’s history from settlement to present day the museum offers a variety of exhibitions during the year, e.g. on Icelandic silver and photography. The National Museum of Iceland Harpa Austurbakki 2 (D4) | Dec 13, 27, 28, 29, 30 | 19:00 | 4,200 ISK If you’re up for a good laugh and fun, this one-man comedy show might be your cup of tea. It’s a short introduction to Iceland’s history, the sagas, and offers a first hand account on Icelandic behaviour and manners (if there is such a thing in the first place). It deals with the struggles and attitude of the average Icelander, all the while mocking a plethora of other nationalities. In just a few lessons, you’ll learn how to pass off as an Icelander, or at least start your journey of Icelandichood, and there’s a certificate in it for those that like those sorts of things. No worries, though, the show is 100% in English. ER A Dash Of Icelandic Comedy How To Become Icelandic In 60 Minutes


Reykjavík Grapevine

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