The White Falcon - 20.06.1986, Blaðsíða 2
Tuberculin Skin Test, administered yearly
By Capt. Robert D. Chaney
On a yearly basis, all active duty Navy and
Marine Corps personnel are required to update
their immunizations against certain communicable
diseases. One such immunization is a screening
test for the disease Turberculosis (TB).
The quickest and easiest method of screening ac-
tive duty personnel for this disease is to adminis-
ter Turerculin Skin Tests (TST), better known as
PPD's. In addition, once the PPD has been applied, a
return visit (in 48-72) is required so the Skin Test
can be evaluated.
In compliance with Naval Medical Command Po-
licy, PPD's will be given on a yearly basis to all
"alert forces" or those persons on "OUTUS" duty ro-
tations. Therefore, the hospital recommends that
PPD's be done during health record verification
(usually during birth month) and/or at least six
weeks prior to transfer. It is recognized that peo-
ple at NAS Keflavik on a one year tour may receive
two PPD's in a single year. Unfortunately, due to the
large number of personnel, there is no other work-
able solution and two PPD's in close
succession will cause no ill effects.
By testing six weeks prior to
transfer, the Hospital en-
sures that members are
transferred with their
immunization needs as up
;to date as possible. It also
ensures that all service
members will not miss a
needed immunization or
cause PSC transfers to be
For more information please
contact Lt. C. Kimsey at ext.
Personal Perspective
Do you own any credit cards? Why or why not?
Glnnv Russel — My
husband and I own one
credit card, and we
usually use it for
vacations. We try to use
it just for special
occasions not just to
order things.
Kevin Thurston— I
have credit cards for the
convenience of not having
to carry cash.
Debbv Brewster— I
basically use credit
cards to spend money I
don't have. It also allows
me to pay the next month.
Sharon Swansen— I do
own credit cards, but I
use them sparingly
because it's too easy to
get into trouble.
The White FalconSs published weekly by the Ice-
land Defense Force Public Affairs Office for Mili-
tary and civilian personnel and their dependents
stationed in Iceland. It is printed by the Naval Air
Station Print Shop with appropriated funds per
NAVSO p-35. Photographs are printed by the Fleet
Imaging Facility Atlantic. Opinions expressed
herein are not necessarily those of IDF, DoD, or
the U.S. government. The White Fe/conoUice is
located in Bldg. 936 on the NATO Base, Ext. 4612/
4552. Submit articles prior to noon on Fridays.
COMICEDEFOR.............Rear Admiral E.K. Anderson
Public Affairs Officer.....Cmdr. Dorothy J. Schmidt
Assistant PAO....................Fridthor Kr. Eydal
Editorial Staff
Advisor..........................JOC John Petersen
Editor.........................JOl Howard Watters
Assistant Editor/Layout................JOE Ed Baker
Reporter/Layout.....................J03 Tim Abbott
Reporter..........................J02 Chi quit a Land
Photographic Support. ..Fleet Imaging Facility Atlantic
The White Falcon June 20, 1986