The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 07.11.1986, Blaðsíða 2

The White Falcon - 07.11.1986, Blaðsíða 2
iaiiafa ao aaaa arena aaaua Volunteer Air f elves at Eielson Air Fore? Base, Alaska, will again this' year conduct their Santa's Mail- bag Program to send letters from Santa Claus to children throughout the world. Members of all services are wel- come to use the program. But the letters must reach Eielson no later than Dec. 3, 1986. Anyone who would like a child to receive a letter from Santa postmarked "North Pole" should first write the letter they want their child to receive from Santa Claus. Then, the letter plus a stamped envelope addressed to the youngster, both meeting current postage requirements, should be mailed to: Detachment 2, 11th Weather Squadron, Santa's Mailbag, Eielson AFB, AK 99702. _______________ A: Vi fur*- $ \lV «Tv. 4^ ; a iJh PERSONAL PErSPECiIvE If you were admiral for a day what would you do? Reginald Reymond— I would install Marine guards at the gates be- cause this is a military Installation and 1 feel it should be controlled by both the Icelandic police and the U. S. Armed Forces. Debbie West—I have family in Germany so I would like to see more flights going there. Suzette Steiebach— I would have more activ- ities planned on the weekends for families to participate in. Chris Arnold—I would make sure that military had priority over dependents for seats on plane flights at all times. The White Faicon\s published weekly by the Ice- land Defense Force Public Affairs Office for Mili- tary and civilian personnel and their dependents stationed in Iceland. It is printed by the Naval Air Station Print Shop with appropriated funds per NAVSO P-35. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of IDF, DoD, or the U.S. gov- ernment. The White Falcon office is located in Bldg. 936 on the NATO Base, Ext. 4612/4552. Sub- mit articles prior to noon on Fridays. COMICEDEFOR...........Rear Admiral Eric A. McVadon Public Affairs Cm dr. W. D. Barron Assistant PAO.....................Fridthor Kr. Eydai Public Affairs Yeoman.........YNt Rose M. Harrison Editoriai Staff A dvisor..........................JOC John Petersen Editor................................JOE Ed Baker Reporter/L ayout..................JOE Kerry Honore Reporter/Layout.....................JOJ Tim Abbott Reporter..........................JOE Chi quit a Land Photographic Support.. .Fleet imaging Facility Atlantic 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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