The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 07.11.1986, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 07.11.1986, Blaðsíða 4
nflS Security, help and service to the community by J02 Kerry Honore Staff Reporter What NAS department has Ship's Servicemen, Radiomen, Boatswain's Nates, and many other Navy ratings? Security. The Security Department is headed by Chief Warrant Officer Edward Reed. It consists of six principle divisions. The largest and best known of these is Security Patrol, under the control of Master-at-Arms Senior Chief L.C. Bautista. Non Master-at-Arms personnel who work here have to be retrained and learn a new skill in the security field. During training they'll learn how to operate radar equipment, perform cardiopulmonary resus- citation (CPR), fill out accident reports, go through suicide prevention courses and other duties. One thing they learn is how to handle people. "However, there's one thing people can't be taught," said Boatswain's Mate Second Class Mike Sutherland, "and that's common sense. We can only give them the basic knowledge of what can happen in the field. We can't tell them what to do in every case.“ The department has four sections working 12-hour swing shifts. Each section has three to five patrolmen. One remains at the "desk" as dispatcher. The others are on the road patrolling. On the last day of their three-day break the on-coming shift goes through training. Besides looking out for traffic violations the patrolmen have other functions like security checks on buildings, breaking-up fights, and, a lesser known job, serving as color guards during ceremonies. The next largest division is administration. Anyone who has ever registered a car or needed a new ID card has come in contact with this office. They also process all the incident-complaint records for personnel involved in criminal and regulation violation cases. They handle custom inspections for outbound household goods, and can help you with any custom's form or question about custom's shipment regulations. A smaller group is the Security Investigators. They handle crimes committed on board the base that don't fall under the Naval Investigative Service (NIS). The duty investigator responds to all vehicle accidents in which injury is involved. They also supervise police operations and aid the Officer of the Day (OOD). NAS Security also has a Military Working Dog division (MWD) headed by Master-at-Arms Senior Chief Oscar Polk and two dog handlers: MAZ Carol Johnson and MA2 Marc Owins. The dogs are Jason and Buter. The MWD division checks in-coming and out-going military flight baggage and mail. The MWD team belongs to NAS but is available to all tenant commands on request, 24-hours a day. The Physical Security (PS) division is headed by Mr. Robert McCullough, who is a civilian physical security specialist. The PS division monitors and develops protection programs for all assets on the NATO Base. The division also provides assistance to other departments/activities and tenant commands on better ways to protect their resources. firmed Forces centralize data on child, spouse abuse American Forces Press Service The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard will soon be playing off the same sheet of music in collecting information regarding child and spouse abuse. A new form designed to capture that information has been developed by family advocacy experts from all services so that the Military Family Resource Center can compile more complete and accurate statistics. Family advocacy represen- tatives are using it for every case of reported child or spouse abuse. A central information registry will still be maintained by each service, and only service-wide statistics will be forwarded to the Military Family Resource Center. JanaLee Sponberg, center program analyst, said, "This is the first time we'll be able to compare case data across all the services. We should be able to come up with some very meaningful information - especially for spouse abuse data - on which we haven't had as much systematic information before because it doesn't have the same high 'disgust factor' as child abuse." The form covers the full range of kinds of abuse, including neglect and emotional maltreatment of children, behavior on the part of the caretaker that causes low selfesteem, undue fear or anxiety or other damage to the child's emotional well-being. 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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