The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 05.02.1993, Blaðsíða 3

The White Falcon - 05.02.1993, Blaðsíða 3
Armed Forces News Briefs ^arly out program offered to some sailors ashington, D.C. (NNS) — Commanding officers now have the authority to approve early outs for sailors who are within six months of their end of active obligated service (EAOS). This allows sailors with an EAOS date of Sept. 30,1993, or earlier, the opportunity to request early separation. Last year commanding officers had the authority to approve 90- day early outs for personnel, and more than 1,000 sailors tot*; advantage of early separations. This helped the Navy meet manpower reduction requirements, including a reduction of20,000 people on active duty, without forcing career personnel out of the service prior to retirement. Applying for early separation is strictly voluntary, as it was last year, and no financial compensation is offered to those who request separation under this program. These individuals are eligible for transition services, however, including programs offered under the Transition Assistance Management Program. Interested personnel should contact their command career coun- selor or the Family Service Center for details on employment counseling and other assistance available for members and spouses. In addition, personnel in overmanned ratings that enlisted for four years, with a two-year extension, can request the six-month early out if they have not yet executed their extension. This is being offered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by BuPers (Pers-254) via the chain of command. Commanding officers consider each request on a case-by-case is after determining the impact of the sailor’s early separation unit readiness. ‘This is a chance for the commanding officer to manage com- mand readiness and also contribute to the Navy’s manpower strategies,” said CAPT Gerry O’Donnell, Director of Enlisted Plans Division. “This is the CO’s call, it is for he or she to decide.” The Navy is again committed to meeting manpower reduction requirements this fiscal year without the need to separate mid- career personnel involuntarily. Last year, the size of the Navy was reduced by more than 20,000 personnel without any reduction in force of mid-career sailors. In the officer community, the Chief of Naval Personnel has been authorized to recommend for discharge regular officers in one of three categories: lieutenants junior grade who failed selection to lieutenant, officers that attrite from one warfare program and are not selected for a second program and officers who fail to attain warfare qualification within specified timeframes. More details for the enlisted program are available in NAVAD- MIN 15/93 or contact PNCS(SW) D. R. Pennington, Pers-222D1 at DSN 224-5560 or commercial (703) 614-5560. Openings for NJROTC instructors Pensacola, Fla. (NNS) — As part of an initiative instituted by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, the Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) is expanding the high school Naval Junior Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) program and is seeking interested personnel who want to be certified military instructors. [ore than 200 instructors of naval science will be needed in 3. These full-time, paid positions will be available to qualified litary personnel who are already retired or nearing retirement. There are currently 226 high school participating in the NJROTC program and an additional 96 high schools will become part of the program this year. Retired Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard commissioned officers (W-2 through 0-6) can qualify for the position of Naval Science Instructor and retired enlisted personnel (E-6 through E- 9) or retired warrant officers (W-l) can qualify as an Associate Naval Science Instructor. To be eligible for certification, applicants must have served at least 20 years of active duty and be retired from active duty no more than three years from the date application. Personnel on active duty, contemplating retirement within one year, may apply for the program while on active duty. An NJROTC certification board will be held in May 1993. Ap- plications should be sent to CNET no later than April 1. Call PSD at ext. 2116/7 for more information. ‘Navy Policy Book’ now available Washington, D.C. (NNS) — The “Navy Policy Book,” which is intended to be a single reference source of the Navy’s ideals, guiding principles, missions and policies, is now available from the Navy Aviation Supply Center. The maximum number of copies that can be ordered is 1,000. Place your order to: Navy Aviation Supply Office, 5810 Tabor Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19120-5099 (formerly Navy Publications and Forms Center), NSN 0584LP5414800. Navy renames NADSAP to PREVENT Based on recommendations of the standing committee on mili- tary and civilian women in the Department of the Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations announced a program name change for the Navy Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (NADSAP). Recently, NADS AP’s name changed to PREVENT, an acronym for “Personal Responsibility and Values Education and Training.” PREVENT’S mission is to reduce the risk of behaviors that draw down on personal fitness and operational readiness. These behav- iors include: alcohol and other drug abuse, drinking and driving, sexual harassment, sexual assault, unplanned pregnancies and to foster HIV/AIDS prevention and suicidq prevention. Curricular emphasis is on life skills development directed toward greater adaptability, increased personal responsibility, development of interpersonal skills and decision making. The 37-hour course offered by PREVENT and developed by the University of Arizona is entitled “Program for Personal Responsibility.” Continuing education credit is available from the University of Arizona with college credit through the American Council on Education for all who complete the course. Classes are available for active duty and reserve military members, their family members and DoD civilians with the main target group being those 26 years and younger with at least one year of military service. Ample classes are available here and enrollment is not limited to the main target group. Classes are held weekly, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the second floor of the Air Terminal, bldg. 782. For more information call Kitty at ext. 4227. February 5,1993 3


The White Falcon

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