The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 05.02.1993, Blaðsíða 12

The White Falcon - 05.02.1993, Blaðsíða 12
N Sports Don’t let weight-lifting be a heavy problen£ By J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter” Casper with information from the American Heart Association (AHA) In today’s world where change is the only constant, downsizing and employers expect- ing more with less, a person with the calmest nerves may get frustrated. Many people are just too exhausted by the time they get home to relax and enjoy life. There are many alter- natives to conquering these feelings, one of the best might be exercise, such as weight- lifting. Weight-lifting tones or builds a person’s muscles, makes them stronger and improves their physical appearance. Static training, lifting at maximum intensity and doing fewer repetitions, usually involves using few muscles and little oxygen, and moving rally a few body joints. A person can improve their lung capacity and circulation, and lower their blood pres- sure and pulse rate if they structure their weight-training program aerobically with lighter weights and more repetitions (com- pression training). This and other aerobic exercises such as bicycling, running and swimming can help a person decrease their risk of having coronary artery disease and having a better chance of reducing cardiovascular diseases. Aerobic weight-lifting can also be used to increase joint support and mobility, and im- prove a person’s overall health and activity. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests exercises which promote cardio- vascular fitness by raising blood flow to the working muscles for an extended time. The AMA advises exercise of moderate intensity (50 percent to 75 percent of capac- ity) performed for 30 to 60 minutes at least three to four times a week. If a person is at high risk for heart disease, over 40, and hasn’t exercised previously, or they plan to greatly increase the intensity of their workout, a doctor should be consulted first, and exercise should be done with cau- tion. Weight-lifting and other static exercises may have damaging effects on a person’s cardiovascular Systran. For example, studies show that static exercises can produce a sharp, sudden rise in blood pressure, even if one’s pressure is usually within the normal range. If you have chosen weight-lifting as your athletic outlet, keep the following tips in mind. -Get a complete physical checkup before starting a weight-training program. -Whether you’re lifting to tone or build muscle, start slowly and gradually work to your desired level. -Balance your static weight-training pro- gram with dynamic exercises. -Abide by other health factors: Don’t smoke, eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet; and control your weight and blood pressure. “Weight-lifting is very satisfying to me, it is a great way to release pressure and stress,” said Keith I. Shockley, a weight-lifter for eight years. “It increases my endurance al- lowing me to be more effective at work and it makes my day go much better.” Shockley added that diet habits are very important. “The saying ‘you are what you eat’ has a lot of truth to it. These bad eating habits put additional strain on the heart and increases the risk of a heart attack. Rather OUT” You need to EXERCISE than eating three square meals a day a person should eat six small meals with high carbohy- drates and high protein.” Dave Ursini, a weight-lifting veteran of 15 years said, “Weight-lifting is a release that allows your body to excel and your mind to work out problems. Important things to re- member are proper form, know your body’s limits and allow proper recovery. People should educate themselves, take their time and make a commitment to the new life- style.” Getting the knowledge is relatively easy. Shockley stated that reading magazines such as Flex and Men'sHealth are filled with great information on eating habits, form, and help- ful training schedules. Another important fact in any workout is to be sure you enjoy the exercise. Sue Greer, weight-lifter for three years and an amateur bodybuilder said, “Your workout in the weight room should be something you look forward to. Get psyched, you should look forward to working out and have fun. If you don’t, then why do it?” To help increase impetus, try working out withapartner. Bryan W. Clark, a lifter for 14 years suggests starting to lift slowly and with a partner. “There are two reasons for this, one is for safety and the second is to help you get motivated. “You can also leant by just asking ques- tions of others in the weight room. People are more than eager to help you out, I have learned a lot this way,” Clark added. If you have any questions about starting your own weight-training program call Bryan Clark, at home, ext. 7558, or Dave Ursini at home, ext. 7317 or work ext. 5070. Keith Shockley can also be contacted at home at ext. 4093 or work at ext. 4336 after Feburary 25th. CMSgt. Benitez retires By J02 Carlos Bongioanni CMSgt Robert Benitez retires today after 31 years of service in the United States Air Force. Benitez, who has been stationed i Iceland three times, has most recently served as the Chief Enlisted Manager, 4557th Supply Squadron and for the past three months he has also held the position of Air Forces Iceland Senior Enlisted Advisor. Reflecting on his 25 years of overseas service Benitez said, “Our presence over- seas was a physical factor contributing to the downfall of communism. I feel like I’ve been at the tip of the sword defending not rally the American values of freedom, but also helping liberate oppressed people around the world. I’m proud to have been a part of this. Our day-to-day operations have made a difference.” Benitez says he picked up his patriotic feelings for America from his father who immigrated to the states from Puerto Rico. “My dad knew deep down that America was the land of the free and the land of unlimited opportunities. He passed those convictions on to me.” Benitez was the first in his family to make the military a career and hopes the service will become a tradition in his family. He is married to the former 016; Olafsddttir of Keflavflc. The couple ha? eight children, one son is in the Air Force. They will live near Dover, Del., where they are building a home. 12 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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