The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 26.02.1993, Blaðsíða 9

The White Falcon - 26.02.1993, Blaðsíða 9
Bee flys into existence will hover by bldg. 506 y J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter” Casper Usually the seabees are “buzzing” around the Naval Air Station, Keflavik putting their varied construction skills to practice. But last week Public Works welcomed a new seabee to the shop, a sea bee mascot. BU2 Kenneth D. Soderberg came up with the idea of constructing a seabee mascot for the outside of Public Works last September and Birgir Eyjolfsson made the idea a reality. # u/' Eyjolfsson took a four-inch-long model of e seabee and drew the figure on paper, blew up and made the seabee image come to life. The whole figure is made out of steel. It was similar to constructing a ship, I started with ribs and continued from there.” He welded the pieces together until the final form was complete. “After working such a long time on the structure I feel like it is part of me, I enjoyed seeing it come to life.” Soderberg with assistance from other mem- bers from Public Works painted the bee after it was constructed. “Teamwork definitely played a big factor in the project. Our next monument will be for the Icelanders symbol- izing teamwork.” An official dedication ceremony was held for the seabee mascot last Friday morning. ADM Thomas A. Dames, Commander Atlantic Division Naval Facilities Engineer- ing Command, Norfolk,Va., was in atten- dance. ADM Dames was here on a site visit, was the former Public Works officer at Naval Air Station, Keflavik, from 1979 to 1981. AT. Mahan Elementary School students served more than 100 base personnel during the "Kid Kuisine" held last Saturday. Nearly 20 children helped prepare the food, proceeds of which went to the Parent Teacher Organization. (Photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter) Baltazar retires after 26 years DKC Vincent S. Baltazar, Jr., and wife Violet are piped ashore to civilian life at a retire- ment ceremony honoring Baltazar's 26 years of naval service, recently. Baltazar started and ended his Navy career overseas. For the past four years, he has been stationed at PSD, Keflavik. Despite the isolated aspect of life here, Baltazar feels this has been his best duty station. Yet, he says he is also ready to face the future and move on. “I want to thank the Navy for giving me the opportunity to serve in the world's mightiest Navy. The skills, training, and experience l have ac- quired should enable me to find meaningful employment in civilian life. I will leave the Navy with optimism. I'm ready to face the challenges and the uncertainties of a world outside the military." The couple have two children, Eric and Katinka. (Photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni.) February 26,1993 9


The White Falcon

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