The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 18.06.1993, Blaðsíða 2

The White Falcon - 18.06.1993, Blaðsíða 2
Juneteenth: a celebration of freedom Reservists make a difference at Naval Air Station, Keflavik By Maj. Vicki L. Harris, Commander, Maintenance Squadron, 35th Wing If you’re not from Texas, you’ve probably never heard of “Juneteenth.” If that’s the case, you’re in for a wonderful treat and a valuable American history lesson. For those who know of Juneteenth, you’re in for a little taste of home. Each year on June 19, African-Americans gather to celebrate the “sweet” news of their release from slavery. The celebration con- sists of a parade, story telling, poetry reading, selling art and craft items, eating wonderful food, and having fun. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed African-Americans from the bondage of slav- ery. However, many slaves found out about this fact many years later. Because television and radio were not available, Texas planta- tion owners successfully waged a two and a half year battle not to abide by the presiden- tial decree. The Texas economy would not survive the enormous financial impact that over 200,000 slaves held in their hands if they stopped working. Slaves were never paid or compensated for the goods and services they provided. Texas plantation owners needed slaves to plant and harvest their crops, while the Civil War continued to ravage the South and throw the Confederate banking system into a sharp downward spiral. Slavery was the only source of economic revenue the South possessed! On June 19,1865, Genet Gordon Granger and his troops arrived Galveston, Texas, to enforce the president! decree. The news of freedom spread like wild fire throughout Texas. African-Ameri- cans endured and fought a harsh, brutal sys- tem and survived. A victory celebration was truly in order. Juneteenth has gained a great deal of momentum in the last 10 years, and it is celebrated in Arizona, Louisiana, and California. Juneteenth is a true celebration of freedom because it reminds us all that freedom carries a steep price tag. Many African-Americans paid that price with their blood, sweat, tears and even lives! Freedom isn’t free, but it’s worth the sacrifice. Happy Juneteenth! Sory and photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni U. S. Naval Reserve Unit 1066 from Naval Air Facility, Washington, D. C., spent the past two weeks as a support group to Naval Air Station (NAS), Keflavik. “The trip to Iceland is an annual require- ment we have to fulfill as part of our reserve duties,” said LCDR Randy Payne, USNR, Officer in Charge. “We’re more than willing to lend a hand and help out however we can. We’ll even get involved in off-duty activities like the recent Arbor Day celebration that oc- cured here.” Using the skills in which they were trained, the 35 reservists offered valuable assistance to a number of commands at NAS, Keflavik, ranging from Public Works to Supply. “They were a great help to us,” said MSI Kevin Mendez, Watch Captain, General Mess Galley. “With only two storekeepers, we nor- mally stay quite busy. The re- servists make it much easier for us, especially when we’re moving stores.” A1 though the thought of com- ing to Iceland was originally a shock to some of the reservists, the two-week excursion proved to be worthwhile. “I think it’s been fantastic,” said MSI Jeanne Puerta, USNR. “Since I like to travel, this is a good chance forme to see new places, while performing my reserve obligations at the same time.” Reserve units train in Iceland on a year-round basis to pre- pare them for active duty in the event of a recall. MS 3 Yolanda Cruz and MSI Jeanne Puerta help make sandwiches. nieWhite Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force RADM Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer LT Joseph L Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fridthdr Kr. Eydal Chief Petty Officer In Charge JOC Terry J. Bamthouse Draftsman DM2 Danielle J. Kim Editor J02 Carlos Bongioanni Journalists J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter” Casper J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The White Falcon is printed by the NAS Keflavik Print Plant. Photo processing is provided by Beet Im- aging Command Detachment Keflavik. The White Falcon is an authorized, gov- ernment-funded weekly publication of the Ice- land Defense Force. Contents of The White Falcon are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publica- tion shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, or any other non-merit factor. The White Falcon is located in Bldg. 936, tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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