The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 18.06.1993, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 18.06.1993, Blaðsíða 4
Seniors use minds, odds and ends to build winning car Story and photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter Clockwise from lower left: Westervelt, Reaves, Butler, Allen, Riggs and Barnthouse. Packing crates, discarded bicycles, card- board and various odds and ends. Not mate- rials one would think of used to construct an award-winning human-powered vehicle. Yet, six A.T. Mahan High School seniors set out to tackle a program called ‘Pit Stop*. This is a part of the Department of Defense Dependant’s school (DoDDs)-wide Odys- sey of the Mind program, a think-tank of sorts for students in the elementary through high school levels. Participants employ long term problem-solving methods and group strategy to overcome various obstacles that require a whole bunch of mental exercise. “The objective of ‘Pit Stop’ is to design, construct and drive a vehicle powered by a mechanical jack, all for under $100. The vehicle is required to travel around a marked course and make one or more pit stops,” said Bill Riggs, coordinator of Odyssey and multi- course instructor at the high school. “I am the coordinator for the students. I can listen to their concerns and respond to their questions, yet I am not allowed to actu- ally help with the thought process or the construction,” Riggs added. Thestudents: MattandEmily Allen,Token Barnthouse, Todd Butler, Brandon Reaves and Will Westervelt, have spent countless after-school and weekend hours brainstorm- ing, designing and constructing the vehicle. “The steering mechanism is salvaged from a scooter. The handlebars will be foot oper- ated because we need to power the vehicle by hand,” Barnthouse explained. The students built the frame of the convey- ance from discarded packing crates. The platform serves as a seat for the driver and various anchor points for the front end, jack mechanism and rear axle. “The wheels come from junked bicycles. We needed help to have an axle welded for the two rear wheels,” Allen said. The power for the vehicle is required to come from a mechanical jack. Participants may use bumper jacks or scissors jacks such as those from automobiles. This does not exclude home made designs, a route that the Mahan seniors chose to take. “The team figured out a crank-type device similar to an automobile engine crankshaft. Once the ‘car’ is mobile, the driver pushes and pulls on the three-foot wooden arm to propel it,” Riggs explained. The process is also used to move the ma- chine in reverse, a feat which the driver must demonstrate for at least four feet. Five laps of the course are required for scoring. In addition to their driving skills, the stu- dents are graded on the creativity of the design, their theme and the overall appear- ance of the car. The participants can also, lose points for unsportsmanlike conduct on vehicular malfunction. “Since starting the project in early Janu- ary, the team has competed in two Odyssey of the Mind competitions, the U.K. West and the DoDDs European event, placing first in each,” Riggs stated. “We just re- turned from the “World” event at the Uni- versity of Maryland, College Park, Md., where we placed 35th in a field of 36 com- petitors.” The students lost valuable points when the body of the car disengaged from the frame during the final lap. Man on the Street The White Falcon wants to know what makes your father so special? “My father talks to me when I have a prob- lem and is wonderful, understanding and supportive.” Monalisa Vlllaver, 13 years old “He takes me places, does things for me and helps me out when I have a problem.” Erica Allen, 13 years old “My father is wonderful. He is helpful, and taught me a lot when I was young.” Sgt Wayne Johnson, 35th Wing “A father is your role model, as mine was. He was a hard worker, fair and treated people well.” AMEl(AW) David Sumlin, VP-45 “My father provided good guidance and direction for me.” Sgt Darius Butler, 35th Wing “My father took time to be with us. He always took us on walks.” Martina LeBlond, Air Force family member 4 June 20 is Father’s Day The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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