The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 02.07.1993, Síða 7

The White Falcon - 02.07.1993, Síða 7
V lc autos Ford Bronco XLT — Full size, 4X4, automatic, fully ided. Asking $11,000. Call ext. 6313 or 6229. '84 Isuzu Trooper II — 2-door, 4-cylinder, 4X4. Just passed inspection, insurance good until Sept. First $3,750 gets it. Call ext. 6229/6313. 88 Subaru DL Wagon — Great shape, 4X4, air condi- tioning, power steering, AM/FM stereo, only one and a half years on island, just inspected. Asking $4,500. Call Bob at ext. 7255 AWH/2127 DWH. 86 Chevy Spectrum—Available July 15. Asking $2,000. For details, call ext. 6376 after 5 p.m. • | for sale___________________________________ Sharp VHS camcorder — Full size, has excellent picture quality, X12 zoom capability, records in 1 lux lighting, high speed shutter and other features. Comes with soft case, two batteries and all accessories. Asking $700 OBO. Call Patrick at ext. 2429. Star NX 1001 Multi-Font Printer — with extra ribbon. Asking $99. Call John at ext. 6055 AWH/7421 DWH. Okidata 120 plus printer — Asking $125. Also, soft- ware available, $50. Call Jeff at ext. 6004 AWH/2195 DWH. Misc. items—X-stitch cloth (14 ct.), white and off white; floss pockets; X-stitch needles; lace and ribbon. Excel- lent prices I Also, pre-school program for ages three to five; sweet pickles. Last chance to get a good deal. Call ext. 6048. miscellaneous cation Bible School — Runs August 16-20 from 0 to 8:30 p.m. at the Chapel. This year's curriculum f.l help children understand how God created the world and that He can also create a new heart in each of them. Register now! Call ext. 4111 for more information. Virginia Beach house for rent — Three bedroom, three full bath, cathedral ceiling with den and loft, at- tached garage, fenced yard, 2,000 total square footage. Available August 1. Call Mark or Suzy at ext. 6177. I home business Can do cakes—Sheet cakes for all occasions; reenlist- ments, birthdays, award ceremonies etc. Available In all sizes and prices. Call Bridgit at ext. 6029. A Creative Cake — Cakes for all occasions, large selection of shaped pans to choose from. Call Mena at ext. 4825 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Jan’s cake decorating — For that special occasion or just for fun. Call ext. 6153 to place your order. Thai food — Leave the cooking to Wahn. Enjoy ginger chicken, spicey beef, stir fry vegetables, or other deli- cious menu items. Tue. through Sat., 4 to 9 p.m. Call ext. 7170 for a menu or to place an order. , Dwlgglna Photographic — Quality portraits at the best price. Call ext. 4832 for more information. Manning Photography — Color portraits and special occasions, black and white also available. Call Matt at ext. 2650. Cleaning service — Well dean your house spic and span. Guaranteed to pass inspection. Askaboutweekly cleaning service. Call Linda at ext. 7176 after 6 p.m. Haircuts and perms — For men, women, and children by an experienced, licensed cosmetologist. Call Lisa at ext. 6087 to make an appointment. Health produete — Weight loss systems, weight train- ing products, complete body building systems. Call Rick at ext. 6328 for price quotes and info. Fabric Painting — Need fabric paints or transfers or want to learn how to paint your own dothing and have fun? Call Stacey at ext. 4947. Professional ear piercing — Call Donna for an ap- pointment at ext. 6308. Nalls by Valerie — California licensed, full service nail care: sculpture, tips, manicures and nail art. Call ext. 6319 for an appointment. Sherri'e Sweaters—Affordable hand-knit “lopi" sweat- ers in your choice of size, color and pattern. Call ext. 7550 for more information. Speech therapy, hearing aids and repairs — Have ear mold and replacement tubing by ASHA certified. Reasonable rates. Not affiliated with Naval Hospital. CHAMPUS reimbursement notavailable. Call Bill atext. 4916, evenings and weekends. Styles by Stephs nle —Hair care for the entire family by a licensed cosmetologist. Call Stephanie at ext. 4085 to make an appointment or for more info. Volvo car sales — Put your family in one of the world’s safest cars. Contact Mr. Emilsson at 9-14622 for more information. Clocks — Made and repaired. Call Bill at ext. 4717. B birth announcements Kameron Taylor Hayes was born June 9,1993, at 8:19 a.m. to Kevin and Kim Hayes. Kyle Theodore Kyra us was bom June 9,1993, at 5:59 p.m. to Theodore and Julia Kyraus. Patrick Ryan Rlcherson was born June 11,1993, at 7:52 p.m. to Richard and Nancy Richerson. Justin Daniel Shears was born June 12,1993, at 12 p.m. to John and Crystal Shears. Shayna Raeann Hanson was born June 12,1993, at 2:04 p.m. to Donald and Lori Hanson. Jacob Weston Henelse was born June 13, 1993, at 7:51 a.m. to Jason and Kathleen Heneise. Brandon Michael Johnson was born June 18,1993, at 2:19 a.m. to Robert and Vicki Johnson. Jonathon Andrew Woodllef was bom June 20,1993, at 5:22 p.m. to Charles and Elizabeth Woodlief. Home ousmess policy If you are authorized by the U.S. Naval Air Station Legal Office to operate a home business on base you may advertise your services, free of charge, In The White Falcon. To submit your home business In the Classified Ads, you must bring a copy of your authorization letter to The White FakxxtotlIce, locked In Bldg.936. The office Is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Deadline for ads Is Thursday at noon one week prior to the following week's edition. Due to space limitations on some Issues home business ads should be limited to three or four lines and will berotaledonaweeklybasls. To ensure an ad will be printed It must he resubmitted every three weeks or it will be taken out H you expect to PCS soon please contact The While Fa/con stall at ext 4612 so that the ed Drill be removed from circulation. what s going om Event Date/Time Place POC or other info. Independence Day Parade Today/2:30 p.m. Elementary school Call ext. 6254 for details. Sun Group dinner Sat./6:30 p.m. Bldg. 671 -E Call ext. 4376 for details. Women’s support group Tue./6 p.m. FSC Call ext. 4401 for details. Checkbook Management Tue./6 p.m. FSC Call ext. 4401 for details. Assertive Discipline Wed./6 p.m. FSC Call ext. 4401 for details. NATO Base Employment Thur./11 a.m. FSC Call ext. 4401 for details. Couple’s Communication Thurs./6 p.m. FSC Call ext. 4401 for details. Standards of Conduct training July 9/1 p.m. Andrews Theater Mandatory for all Navy personnel Senior enlisted gathering Friday’s/6 p.m. Three Flags Club All E7s-9s welcome. Catholic Potluck July 10/6:30 p.m. Chapel Call ext. 4111 for details. Family Swim Party July 12/6 p.m. Keflavik pool Call ext. 4111 for details. *E4-E5 meeting/lunch July 14/1 pm. Fleet Reserve With CAPT Tom Butler. July 2,1993 7


The White Falcon

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