The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 16.07.1993, Page 4

The White Falcon - 16.07.1993, Page 4
Tornados kick up winds at 57th FS By J03 (SW) Andreas Walter F-3 Tornado afterburners were on full thrust during a week-long stay at Naval Air Station, Keflavfk from July 5 - 12. Eight Royal Air Force (RAF) Tornados from two squadrons out of RAF Leuchars, Scotland, engaged in air combat training with the F- 15s of the 57th Fighter Squadron, 35th Wing. “We don’t get too many F-15s in our neck of the woods, so the chance to train side by side is quite valuable. It givesa us a chance to compare the flying characteristics of the individual planes in a realistic environment,” said Fit. Lt. Colin Wills, Weapons Officer for the 111th Squadron out of Scotland. He added that this plays a positive role in enhancing the professional as well as the social relations between the two sides. The group, which departed Tuesday, usu- ally performs this kind of training in Eng- land. Yet in the past, these and other squad- rons have flown to Keflavfk for similar exer- cises, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. It gives both sides the An F-3 Tornado belonging to the 111th Squadron flies above the Icelandic coastline during one of many flights recently with the 57th Fighter Squadron. The squadrons from Scotland regularly engage in training of this nature with the F-15s. (Photo by Sq Ldr. Richard Milnes) chance to fight against dissimilar aircraft so they’re not flying against the same plane during training sessions. Wills added that the ever-changing weather, conditions in Iceland prove to be more than challenge for the pilots at times. Quarterly Top Flight awards given to 57FS pilots Left to right, Barys, Marshall, Callan and Malloy display their fighter techniques. (Photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni) Last Friday, the 57th Fighter Squadron (FS) held its quarterly Top Flight awards banquet and honored several pilots who showed superior performance during last months Top Flight competition. Each quarter, the 57FS plans a simulated wartime scenario to test the air combat proficiency of its pilots. The squadron is broken up into two flights (A and B) consisting of four F- 15s per flight. Each flight must separately perform the sce- nario against a specified adversary. During last quarter’s competition in early June, Flights A and B flew against eight F-16s from Norway. Although both flights flew exceptionally well, not losing one aircraft in the simulated air fight, Flight B proved to be tops by downing all eight of the Norwegian F-16s, while Right A downed only five. The winning flight (left) consisted of Capt. Patrick (Dil- lon) Marshall, Capt. Alan (Dingle) Barys, Capt. Joe (Slider) Callan and Capt. Matt (Zap) Malloy. Other awards presented during the banquet recognized pilots who had the highest hit rate for the entire quarter from April to June. Barys scored the highest with the radar guided AIM-7 missile. Capt. Randy (Zulu) Brockwell took first in his use of the heat-seeking AJM-9 missile. Marshall was tH most successful in using the M-61 “Gatling” Gun, and tH^ overall award went to Capt. Garth (Odie) Dody. 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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