The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 23.07.1993, Qupperneq 1

The White Falcon - 23.07.1993, Qupperneq 1
Vol. 52 No. 29 July 23,1993 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community Hours of operation for the General Mess from July 27 to August 6 t reakfast 0600-0845; Lunch 1030-1330 Winner 1515-1845; Night meal 2230-0030 .White Falcon Women in combat Reservist makes history as first woman assigned to combat aircrew, see page 4. Hall returns RADM Thomas F. Hall, visits Keflavfk once again, see page 5. Ice breaker USCG Polar Sea makes stop in Keflavfk on its (way to the Arctic, see page 5. Kef golfers clean up The NATO Men’s Golf team sweeps NOREUR tourney, see page 8. Inside Editorials.........2 Briefs.............3 Lyte Bytes.........3 Tidal Info.........3 Features.........4-6 Photo of the Month........6 ^Jlassifieds.......7 Sports.............8 Marines of the Marine Corps Security Force Company, Keflavfk drill in preparation for Northern Viking 93. The exercise will run from July 26 through August 6. (Photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni) Base prepares for biennial exercise Exercise Northern Viking 93 (NV-93), an Iceland Defense Force (IDF) executed land and air command post and field train- ing exercise, will take place in Iceland July 26 through August 6, 1993. It is the next in a series of similar exercises conducted every two years, and will include more than 675 participants from stateside units from all branches of the U.S. military. Directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the exercise is scheduled by the Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command and will be conducted by Rear Admiral Michael D. Haskins, U.S. Navy, Commander, Iceland Defense Force. It is a non-threat-specific exercise, with no “enemy” iden- tified. NV-93 has been coordinated with the government of Iceland and is in accordance with the 1951 defense agreement between the government of Iceland and the government of the United States. Northern Viking 93 will be a multi-event exercise. Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marine Corps units will par- ticipate in a core command post exercise (CPX) to test the com- mand, control, and communica- tion capabilities of the Iceland Defense Force. Events will be scripted to test the capabilities of active duty forces stationed in Iceland and reserve component forces that would mobilize to support Iceland during a crisis. A logistics exercise (LOGEX) will also be conducted in con- junction with the overall NV-93 events. The LOGEX will focus on refining the support require- ments necessary to expand the capabilities of U.S. forces in Iceland in the event of a natural disaster or the requirement to project military.. Army reserve and national guard units deploy- ing for NV-93 will also conduct a field training exercise (F I X) and a communications exercise (COMEX) to evaluate/improve their operational capabilities in the unique environment of Ice- land. The FTX portion will focus on individual skills training and small unit training. The COMEX will evaluate the communication capabilities of Army forces in the nigged terrain of Iceland. The Iceland Defense Force will also test the overall coordinated joint operations of its Marine Corps element, air operations of assigned maritime patrol aircraft, and Air Force units of the 35th Wing at Keflavik. This will See EXERCISE on pg. 8.


The White Falcon

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