The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 17.09.1993, Page 3

The White Falcon - 17.09.1993, Page 3
 oint planning Washington, D. C. (AFNS) — The Air Force and Navy will work more closely together when planning new aircraft and change the way they do business in some aspects of strategic planning, as a result of the Pentagon’s Bottom-Up Review. The review, unveiled by Defense Secretary Les Aspin Sept. 1, states that the United States must have a new plan for reshaping its military in response to a changing world situation. Aspin pointed to past years of infighting at the Pentagon over the different needs the services had when planning to build new aircraft. He said the goal now is to make 70 to 80 percent of Air Force and Navy aircraft components common, such as avionics and engines, because they are the most costly items. Senior officials said the commonality approach will include some mutual training for maintenance technicians. Details on how the new program will affect the roles of pilots or maintenance people were not discussed. Officials did say plans are being worked “now,” and some people may be surprised at just how committed the services are to developing commonality in building their next fighter. Extra study time Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (AFMPC) — Air Force members deployed for at least 90 days in support of a contingency operation will now get 60 extra days to prepare for promotion tests. The extra time begins when the person returns to home station and includes 30 days of personal time. Leave is considered personal time. The new policy affects people deploying on or after Sept. 15. Promotion testing must be completed within 75 days of returning om a deployment. People who deploy for less than 90 days may also elay testing upon their return with unit commander approval. Call the Military Personnel Flight at ext. 7723 for more information. CNO Retention Team to visit The Chief of Naval Operation Retention Team will visit Naval Air Station, Keflavik, Sept. 23-25 to give briefings on a full spectrum of current issues affecting Navy personnel. This includes drawdown policies, force shaping initiatives, promotions, VSI/SSB and the 15- year retirement. All Navy personnel and dependents are encouraged to attend this presentation at the Andrews Theater Sept. 24 at 9 a.m. or 1 p.m. Call RMC Crichton at ext. 6253 for more information. Child Find screening to be held soon A community-wide Child Fmd Screening is being conducted by the Special Education service of A.T. Mahan Elementary School for those children ages three through five who are not yet in school. The purpose of Child Fmd is to identify preschool children who may be exhibiting developmental delays and need intervention. ten. This service is offered to help identify those children who may be at risk only. Areas of concern that will be screened will be hearing, vision, motor skills, adaptive behavior, communica- tion and general development. Screening will be held Set. 27 - 30 and will be by appointment only. Call A.T. Mahan Elementary School at ext. 6201 before Sept. 24 to set up an appointment. For more information call Virginia Morris in the Pupil Personnel Office at ext. 6201. Running from God I# In.*' W t/ By Chaplain Dennis Young A woman driving home late one evening noticed a huge truck following close behind. She sped up to gain some distance from the truck, but the truck sped up as well. The faster she drove, the faster the truck drove. Frightened, she exited the freeway and turned up a main street, hoping to lose her pursuer in traffic. Butthetruckranaredlight and continued the chase. Reaching the point of panic, she drove into a service station, screaming for help. The truck driver, right behind her, jumped from his cab and ran toward her car. Yanking the back door open, he pulled out a man hidden in the backseat. The woman was running from the wrong person, afraid of the very man who wanted to help her. The truck driver pursued her, not because he wanted to harm her, but because he wanted to save her from the one who did. In the same way, many people run from God, fearing what He might do to them or demand of them. They run from the very one who wants to save them. They run from the only one who can rescue them from sin and its terrible consequences. A PU&L'<- u "la-mLes* V5* September 17,1993


The White Falcon

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