The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 11.11.1994, Síða 4

The White Falcon - 11.11.1994, Síða 4
The ^Dlrly Deien || % Plane wash raises morale, * money and keeps ‘em clean By Lt. David Sharpe VP-24 Public Affairs Officer mist cleared, the end result was evident - the P-3 was sparklin; clean again, and the crowd was amused and happy. Now, abo that dirty hangar.... w The job of washing aircraft is a long, grimy affair, but neces- sary as an integral part of corrosion prevention. Usually, this task is performed by the plane’s aircrew. However, Patrol Squadron 24 has come up with a way to brighten the task of washing the P-3C Orion and make it fun - for everyone else. The VP-24 Batmen ran a two-week campaign, accepting nomi- nees for the next wash at $1 a vote. Many “popular” folks soon had a few votes, but then the bidding wars began. Nominees bought votes for others to keep themselves out of it. Three hun- dred tickets (and dollars) later, the list was finalized and the VP- 24 auxiliary retail outlet fund (memorabilia, snacks) was that much richer. The lucky 12 consisted of Cmdr. Steve Seal, commanding offi- cer, Cmdr. Ken Deutsch, executive officer, Lt. Cmdr. John Dziminowicz, Lt. Cmdr. Fred Buoni, Lt. Derrick Garvin, Lt. Erik Harris, AWCM James Stuthers, AVCM Robert Johns and ADC Avarn Hearn. YN2 Renee Noiseaux, AMH2 Karen Presley and AK2 Sharon Alexander rounded out the dozen. As the squadron looked on gleefully, the 12 donned their pro- tective clothing. The soap and water were soon flowing. Two hours later, they were all soaked by water and sweat. When the AVCM James Stuthers is in charge of the hose during VP-24’s recent plane wash. The washers consisted of top-vote receivers in the squadron. Three hundred dollars was raised for the VP-24 ARO fund. (Photo by PH2(AW) Douglas Houser) A food drive is being held for the Krysuvik Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center. The Arctic Quest Four Wheelers, in conjuction with the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts of Keflavfk, are sponsor- ing a food drive through Tuesday. They are collecting dry and canned goods. A drop box is located in the commissary, or you can call Paul Stecher at ext. 4757 to have your donation picked up or for more information. The annual Navy smokeout is Thursday. The event is held in cooperation with the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout and promotes health and fitness, quality of life and increases readi- ness. This community program encourages smokers to quit for a day. Information booths will be set up at the Air Terminal, DeCA, the NEX and the Viking Mall. The USO needs food donations. The USO is col- lecting food donations for its Thanksgiving dinner. Turkeys, hams, homemade desserts and monetary donations are being accepted. Call Lokelani Suiaunoa at ext. 6113 for details. A holiday craft sale is scheduled for Nov. 19. The Parents-Teachers-Students Organization is sponsoring the sale and is still looking for crafters to sell their items. The fee for a small table is $10; a large table is $20. Sign up with Annette Hutt at the high school from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The dead- line for sign-ups is Monday. Call Katie Dile at ext. 7079 after duty hours for more details. Applications taken for the Festival of Trees. The Naval Facility Auxiliary is accept- ing applications through Tuesday to enter the Christmas tree deco- rating contest. The festival will take place Dec. 2 - 4 at A.T. Mahan Elementary School. For applications and guidelines, con- tact Debbie Fowler at ext. 4253. The Family Service Center (FSC) needs the help of a volunteer organi- zation. The FSC is looking for an organization to provide food for a lunch-time public visitation Nov. 28. The visitation is in recognition of the FSC’s 10th anniversary. If your organization is interested, contact Pam Nein or Lisa Townsend at ext. 4401/7909. Celebrate Christmas in song. The chapel community is beginning its rehearsals for the Christmas Cantata. If you would like to be part of it, contact Alice Lescault at ext. 4703. An introduction to the ombudsman program is scheduled for Nov. 29 and 30. You are invited to attend this basic training at the FSC from 6-9 p.m. Stop by the FSC or phone in your reservation at ext. 4101 by Nov. 21. For further information, call Deanna Rack at ext. 4457. West Liberty State College alumni sought. Former attendees of WLSC are encouraged to contact Jim McCartney at ext. 2559 after working hours. Make your presence known. During dark hours or reduced visibility, all pedestrians at NAS must wear reflective gar- ments. Jackets and coats for chil- dren should be highly visible and have reflective attachments. Joggers should wear highly-visi- ble clothing and jog facing traffic. Reflectors are available at the NAS Safety Office. Lighters are tools, not toys Submitted by the NAS Fire Department In the hands of a child, matches or lighters are deadly. Store matches and lighters out of children’s reach. Use child-resistant lighters and teach children that they are tools for adults, not toys for kids. A mandatory safety standard was set July 12 by the Consumer Product Safety Commission that requires disposable lighters, inexpensive refillable lighters and certain novelty lighters to be child- resistant. Between 1988-92, the annual average number of people killed by fires started with lighters was 170. The new standard covers 95 percent of the 600 million lighters sold in the United States each year. Three brands of child-resistant dispos- able lighters are available: the Bic with Child-Guard, Cricket Electronic and Scripto Child-Resistant with Auto-lock. The Fire Department has recommem ed that only child-resistant lighters be' made available in NEX stores. 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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