Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.2002, Blaðsíða 14

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.2002, Blaðsíða 14
PROGRAM / 3 3RD SNC & 2ND SCNN 13:10 Sporadic vascular dementia subtypes - an update L 54 Wallin A 13:50 Panel discussion 14:00-14:30 Coffee 14:00-17:00 Hall 2 Genetics Chair Ólafsson E 14:30 Genealogic approach to neurological diseases L 55 Stefánsson K 15:20 Epidemiology and genetics of Parkinson's disease in Iceland L 56 Sveinbjörnsdóttir S 16:00 Localization of a susceptibility gene for common forms of stroke L 58 Grétarsdóttir S 15:00-17:00 Hall 3 Neurological monitoring in the intensive care unit (ICU) Sponsored by Nervus Chair Rosén I 15:00 Electrophysiological monitoring L 59 Rosen I 15:50 Bcdside monitoring of cerebral energy metabolism L 60 Stáhl N 16:40 Panel discussion 15:00-17:00 Hall 4 Nursing Platform Session II Chair Þórarinsdóttir E 15:00 Identifying nursing sensitive patient outcomes (NOC) in neuro-rehabilitation 61 at Landspítali - Univcrsity hospital in Iceland Guðmundsdóttir E, Delaney C, Thoroddsen Á 15:20 Nurses role in the treatment of patients with hyperhidrosis 62 Wilhelmsson I-L, Eriksson S 15:40 Frequency of pressure ulcer on persons with spinal cord injury in Iceland 63 Kjartansdóttir M 16:00 Social situation of people who have been diagnosed with inultiple sclerosis 64 Sigurðardóttir M 14:00-14:30 Doctors and Nurses Poster Session Doctors Posters Electroretinographic and histologic assessment of retinal function in P 16 microphthalmia mutant mice Eysteinsson T, Steingrímsson E, Möller A Quantification of myosin is a valuable tool P 17 Ansved T, Ahlbeck C, Eriksson LI, Fri Y Categorical speech perceptions and experiments with ERP: P 18 Relationship between voice onset time and N100 latency Levy SRA, Stefánsson SB Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in patients with P 19 difíícult headache Bekkelund SI, Jensen R, Olsborg C, Torbergsen T, Salvesen R 14 Læknablaðið/Fylgirit 43 2002/88
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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