Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.2002, Síða 46

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.05.2002, Síða 46
POSTERS / 3 3RD SNC & 2ND SCNN than 2 hours. 15% had their headache lasting 12-24 hours, 12% had their headache lasing 1-2 days and 7% reported continuing headache for three days or longer. One third of migraineurs reported headache every third month and quarter of migraineurs reported headache every month. The severity of the headache in the population with mig- raine was moderate-severe in the great majority of responders (96%). Conclusion: Headache is common in Iceland. Migraine is not very common in Iceland. Migraine appers to be more common among women than men and more common among younger induviduals. The most common duration of migraine appers to be 2-12 hours and the migraine pain is moderate-severe. Most migraineurs experience head- ache every one to third month. Based on the results of this study the prevalence of migraine in Iceland is in the lower range of reported prevalence. P26 - Maternal obstetric neuropathies in lower extremities: Frequency, localizations, etiology and prognosis Hjaltason H, Vigfússon G, Hauksdóttir S, Steingrímsdóttir Þ, Ólafsson H Landspítali University Hospital, Reykjavík, Iceland Objectives: Determine the frequency, etiology and clinical features of maternal neuropathies in the lower extremities in a general obstetric population, presenting during childbirth. Subjects and methood: The cases were identified by reviewing all neurological consultations from the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Iceland University Hospital during a 25 month period. A further analysis included a careful assessment of patient charts, and when necessary further information was obtained by an interview and physical examination. During the study period there were 5902 deliveries in this hospital, approximately 75% of all deliveries in the country. Results: A total of 11 women with a peripheral neuropathy were identified or 1.8/1000 deliveries. Motor and sensory deficits were in 8/11 cases consistent with a unilateral L5 radiculopathy, in 4 cases combined with S1 symptomatology. The cause was determined as a compression of the lumbosacral plexus during labour in 4 cases, in 2 cases compression of other peripheral nerves, in 2 cases epidural/ spinal anesthesia, in 1 case a herniated intervertebral disc, and in 2 cases the cause was left undetermined. The most distinguishing symptoms of the 2 cases related to anesthesia were unpleasant pares- thesia, in those cases the prognosis was worse. The causal frequency of neuropathies related to labour was thus 4/5902 (0.7/1000) and to anesthesia 2/2645 (0.8/1000). Conclusion: Maternal neurological deficits in the lower extremities are uncommon but important complications of labour and delivery. Compression caused by labour and delivery seems to be the most common cause but there are difficulties, especially during prologned labour, in differentiating the significance of compression and a more direct trauma caused by spinal/epidural anesthesia. P27 - The “Interferonal” - documentation and quality assurance. Documentation and quality assurance of nursing for patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in interferon-beta treatment (IFN) Bangsgaard L', Eskildsen M2, Hansen A3, Krogh H4 'University Hospital Glostrup, 'Odensc University Hospital, 'Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, 'Viborg/Kjellerup Hospital Background: In connection with the introduction of IFN treatment in Denmark (1996) the ndividual nurse had a need for a working tool. The working tool had to be described to give the possibility for documentation of the tasks of the nurse. Goal: Make the nursing visible High professional standard Efficient resource exploitation Quality assurance Method: Group projects Education Information retrieval Questionnaire study Condusion: The working tool has now been implemented in own practise since January 1999. The visibility of the nursing has been made possible. The target for the quality development in nursing the MS patient in IFN treatment is to increase the specialised level of quality and aim at a high satisfaction among both patients and the professionals. The Interferonal is a good tool that works satisfactory according to the patients. Our goal for acquiring a high professional standard is hereby obtained. 95% of the patients who were asked found the information satisfactory. Through this tool we have docu- mented and made the nursing visible and the patients have clearly expressed the importance of having a permanent contact nurse. Future visiuns: In each clinic we will adjust practise from the results of the questionnaire study so the nursing is quality assured. We will also continue to work with the nursing to all other MS patients. We will, at the same way we have quality assured the nursing to patient in IFN treatment, continue to work with developing standards for new diagnosed MS patients. P29 - Women's Experience of Multiple Sclerosis Jónsdóttir H', Sigurðardóttir GM2, Hafsteinsdóttir JF, Björnsdóttir ÓE2 1 Assoc. Professor Faculty of Nursing, University of Iceland, :National University Hospital Reykjavik, Iceland The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe women's experience of multiple sclerosis in order to increase insight of nurses and other health care staff into the daily life of women who suffer from this disease. A convenience sample of three women, age 38-51 years who had lived with multiple sclerosis for a few years, was used. Each woman was interviewed twice and data analyzed into themes. Results revealed the following six themes, which are intertwined and ordered by importance: Diagnosis, a turning point in life, Various obstacles in daily life, “I'm not about to die soon, but I have to live with this”, “More prone to gloomy thoughts”, Building a support network and “I want to be treated with respect”. The results show that multiple sclerosis greatly affected the participants in a number of ways. The disease caused a turmoil in the women's lives and changed their future plans. The women felt incapable of attending to their famihes and their homes in the way they wanted to and the disease also affected their children's upbringing. The women greatly valued having a good support network, which primarily consisted of their families and female friends from the Multiple Sclerosis Association. It is con- cluded that nurses need to further emphasize supporting those who suffer from multiple sclerosis and their families, as well as providing them with more detailed information and counseling. 46 Læknablaðið/Fylgirit 43 2002/88


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