Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Blaðsíða 53

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2015, Blaðsíða 53
DINNER 6 COURSE MENU STARTS WITH A “REFRESHING“ SHOT OF THE NATIONAL SNAPS BRENNIVÍN FOLLOWED BY A BITE-SIZED TASTE OF PUFFIN OCEAN PERCH Slow cooked ocean perch, beetroot purée, spicy butter, serrano ham, beetroot MINKE WHALE Shallot vinaigrette, crispy Jerusalem artichokes SEA TROUT Yuzu mayo, tru­e mayo, crispy quinoa, apple PLAICE Samphire, green asparagus, blood orange, lime beurre blanc RACK OF FREE RANGE ICELANDIC LAMB Lamb fillet, leeks, pickled onions, browned celeriac, baked carrots, spinach and dill cream Dessert by pastry chef Axel Þ. CHOCOLATE ROSE Chocolate mousse, raspberry gel, Sacher layer 7.990 kr. Austurstræti 16 101 Reykjavík ICELANDIC GOURMET MENU Freshly caught seafood and free range lamb – with a modern twist FROM 17:00 Amtmannsstíg 1 • 101 Reykjavík • +354 561 3303 • experience classical cuisine “We were absolutely astounded” Þórdís says. “We didn’t even allow ourselves to dream that we would get such a great opportunity so soon after graduation.” Bohemian lifestyle? Þórdís and Sigmann note that people imagine artists as these lazy people loung- ing around looking for in- spiration, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. They say their day typically starts with them going to their full-time job, with Sig- mann working as a kinder- garten teacher for kids who have special needs, and Þórdís working in healthcare wholesales. “And then at the end of the day,” Sigmann says, “when you’re physical- ly and mentally exhausted, that’s when you start creat- ing art.” Þórdís says that she spent around 27 hours on an installation she did the other week at Gerðarsafn. “You use your weekends and free time,” she says, “so you have to manage your time well.” Ongoing exhibits ‘Wiolators’ by Emilia Bergmark (SE), Þórdís Erla Zoëga (IS), Maria Gondek (DK), Christopher Holloran (GB), Kristinn Guðmunds- son (IS), Peter Sattler (AU), Nadja Voorham (NL), & Andrea Zavala Folache (ES) August 8-31, Kunstschlager chamber This international group formed in Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, and hosts yearly exhibits in dif- ferent countries. ‘Neither Nor’ by Sigmann Þórðarson, Bjarni Þór Pé- tursson, Emma Heiðarsdót- tir, Klængur Gunnarsson, & Una Björg Magnúsdóttir August 15-30, D-hall These five artists tackle existential questions about mundane life, purpose, definitions, transformations, anxiety, impossibility, and nothing. There is a special opening party on August 15 at 15:00. ‘MIX’ by Þórdís Erla Zoëga & Þór Sigurþórsson September 5-20, D-hall This mixed-media exhibit uses mirror installations and other works to play with people’s perception to reflect on issues such as intimacy, balance, and one’s sense of right and wrong. ART EXHIBITION Hafnarhús Kunstschlager’s founding members are Guðlaug Mía Eyþórsdóttir, Helgi Þórsson, Baldvin Einarsson, Claudia Hausfeld, Steinunn Eldflaug Harðardóttir, and Ásta Fan- ney Sigurðardóttir. The lat- ter three have since left the collective, to be replaced by Hrönn Gunnarsdóttir, Þorg- erður Þórhallsdóttir, Helga Páley Friðþjófsdóttir, Kristín Karólína Helgadóttir, Þórdís Erla Zoéga and Sigmann Þórðarson. Helga, Kristín and Baldvin are missing from this photo.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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