Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1975, Qupperneq 79
Verslunarskýrslur 1973
plus subdivisions marked A, 11, C, eíc., these letters in the Icelandic nomenclalure being substituted
by numbers at 5th digit: A = 1, B=2, eíc.). ^ 6lh digit is addcd for further subdivisions for national
use. A code number with 2 zeros at 5th and 6th digits (XX.XX.00) is identical with the same B.T.N.
code number, ivhich has not been subdivided for statistical purposes nor is there a subdivision for
national use. — Thcre are a few exceptions from the rule that figures 1, 2 etc. at 5th and 6th digits
indicate subdivisions for international statistical purposes and for national use respectively.
4. The tariff number of each heading is stated above its text to the left, but to the right is shown the cor-
responding number in the Standard International Trade Classification, Revised.
5. A star in front of the tcxt of a heading indicates that the text has been abbreviated. Thc full text can
be seen in the Cusloms Tariff itself which is available in English translation and can bc obtained
from the Office of the State Treasurer, Reykjavik, Iceland. As lo code numbers of type XX.XX.00
or XX.XX.XO reference is made to the United Nations publication STATISTICAL PA PERS,
Series M, No. 34, pp. 49-130.
6. Countries from which imports amount to less than 50 000 kr. (CIF) are not spccified if their number
is 2 or more. The number of such countries is stated in brackets bchind ,,önnur lönd“ or ,,ýmis lönd“
which signifies respectively ,,other countries“ and ,,sundry countries“
1. kafli. Lifandi dýr.
Þús. kr.
Þús. kr.
FOB CIF 03.01.09 031.10
Tonn Þús. kr. Þúb. kr. *Annar fiskur í nr. 03.01, ísvarinn, kældur eða
1. kaíli alls 0,1 123 167 frystur.
01.06.29 941.00 Alls 412,9 6 657 8 161
önnur lifandi dýr. Alls 50,0 230,0 1 368 1 610
0,1 123 167 Noregur 2 854 3 558
Svíþjóð 0,0 55 63 Pólland 132,9 2 435 2 993
V-Þýskaland 0,1 51 79
önmir lönd (2) .... 0,0 17 25 03.02.01 031.20
*Síld söltuð eða í saltlegi.
Alls 3,4 115 118
Danmörk 0,4 8 11
2. kafli. Kjöt og ætir lilutir af dýruui. Noregur 3,0 107 107
2. kafli alls 1,8 618 634 03.03.01 031.30
02.01.10 011.10 *Smokkfiskur og skelfiskur til beitu.
*Kjöt af naulgripum. Alls 219,3 7 005 8 004
0,4 154 157 1' æreyjar 66,2 2 190 2 419
Bandaríkin 153,1 4 815 5 585
02.02.00 011.40
*Kjöt af alifuglum, nýtt, kælt eóa fryst.
Bandaríkin 1,4 464 477 4. kaili. Mjólkurafurðir; fuglacgg;
4. kafli alls 51,2 6 553 7 084
3. kafli. Fiskur, krakbadýr og lindýr. 04.02.20 *Miólk og rjómi niðursoðið, í föstu formi. 022.20
3. kafli alls 1 658,7 59 870 65 644 Alls 2,5 315 349
03.01.01 031.10 Bretland 0,0 - -
Lifandi fiskur í fiskibúri eða öðru íláti. V-Þýskaland 0,4 50 63
Alls 0,0 275 324 Bandaríkin 2,1 265 286
Daninörk 0,0 235 271
Svíþjóð 0,0 40 53 04.04.00 Ostur og ostahlaup. 024.00
03.01.03 031.10 Bretland 0,5 81 86
Annar fiskur nýr, ísvarinn, kældur eða frystur.
Færcyjar 14,1 249 319 04.05.00 *Egg. 025.00
03.01.03 031.10 Alls 3,9 1 623 1 686
Síld fryst. Bandaríkin 3,9 1 593 1 649
Noregur 1 009,0 45 569 48 718 önnur lönd (2) .... 0,0 30 37