
Jökull - 01.12.1983, Síða 12

Jökull - 01.12.1983, Síða 12
12070), about 600 m of displacement had occurred (Williams etal., 1974 and 1975). Area calculations from Landsat images for Ice- land’s glaciers have been carried out by Williams et al., (1975), and Bjömsson (1980b). Bjömsson (1980b) included some unpublished data of Williams, added his own calculations, compared the results with Thorarinssson’s previous area calculations (1958), and showed the percentage decrease in area for each of the principal glaciers of Iceland. Table 1 summarizes excerpts from the work of many scientists who have calculated the area of Iceland’s glaciers from published maps, aerial photographs, and Landsat images. REFERENCES Ahlmann, H.W., 1937: Vatnajökull in relation to other present day Iceland glaciers. Geografiska Annaler 19 (3-4): 212-231. Bjömsson, H., 1975: Explanation ofjökulhlaups from Grímsvötn, Vatnajökull, Iceland. Jökull 24: 1- 26. Bjömsson, H., 1978: Könnun á jöklum med rafsegul- bylgjum. Náttúrufraedingurinn 47 (3-4): 184- 194. (In Icelandic). Bjömsson, H., 1980a: Glaciers in Iceland. Jökull 29: 74-80. Bjömsson, H., 1980b: The surface area ofglaciers in Iceland. Jökull 28: 31. Bodechtel, J., K. Hiller and U. Miinzer, 1979: Comparison of Seasat and Landsat data of Ice- land for qualitative geologic applications. In Proceedings of the Seasat-SAR Processor Work- shop, Frascati, Italy (10-14 December 1979). pp. 61-67. Crabtree, R.D., 1976: Changes in the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap, south Iceland: Possible uses of satellite imagery. PolarRecord, 18 (112): 73-76. Eythórsson, J., 1945: Jöklaritid. J. Eythórsson (Ed.) Ferðabók Sveins Pálssonar. Prentsmiðjan Oddi, Reykjavík. pp. 423-552. (In Icelandic). Eythórsson, J., 1949: Variations ofglaciers of Iceland, 1930- 1947. JoumalofGlaciology, 1 (5): 250-252. Eythórsson, ]., 1951: Jöklamaelingar 1950 og 1951. Jökull 1: 16. (In Icelandic). Eythórsson, J., 1963: Variations of Iceland glaciers 1931- 1960. Jökull 13: 31-33. Ford, J.P., R.G. Blom, M.L. Bryan, M.I. Daily, T.H. Dixon, C. Elachi, and E.C. Xenos, 1980: Seasat views North America, the Caribbean, and Western Europe with imaging radar. California Institute ofTechnology, Jet Propulsion Labora- tory, Pasadena, California, JPL Publication 80- 67 (1 November 1980), 141 pp. Gunnlaugsson, Björn, 1844: Uppdráttr íslands, gjörðr að íyrirsögn Ólafs Nikolas Ólsens eptir landmælingum Bjarna Gunnlaugssonar, er styðjast við Þríhyrningamál og strandamæl- ingar þær, sem hið Konúngliga Rentukammer hefir látið gjöra og reiknað hefur Hans Jakob Scheel. Gefinn út af enu Islenska Bókmentafé- lagi, Reykjavík og Kaupmannahöfn. 1:480,000. (In Icelandic). Hoppe, G., 1982: Jordan frán rymden. In: R. Edberg (Ed.), Hár ár vi hemma. Bokförlaget Bra Böck- er, Höganás, pp. 186-201. (In Swedish). Hunting Geology and Geophysics, Ltd. (undated): Seasat-1 radar mosaic (o£) Iceland. 1:500,000- scale mosaic constructed by Hunting Surveys, Ltd., Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, England, for the Royal Aircraft Establishment (European Space Agency — Earthnet), from Seasat SAR data acquired by the Royal Aircraft Establish- ment receiving station, Oakhanger, England. Survey mode optical correlation of the SAR data by the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. Iwan, W., 1935: Island. Studien zu einer Landes- kunde. Berlinger Geographische Arbeiten, Herausgegeben vom Geographischen Institut der Universitat Berlin, No. 7, Kommissions- verlag von J. Englehorns Nachf., Stuttgart, 155 pp. (In German). Munzer, U. and J. Bodechtel, 1980: Digitale Ver- arbeitung von Landsat-Daten úber Eis-und Schneegebieten des Vatnajökulls (Island). Bild- messung und Luftbildwesen 48: 21-28. (In German) Norlund, N.E., 1938: Denmark. Photogrammetric Engineering 4(31): 119-120. Pálsson, S., 1795 (unpub.): Forsög til en physisk, geographisk og historisk Beskrivelse over de islandske Isbjorge i Anledning afen Reise til de fornemste deraf i Aarene 1792-1794 med 4 Situ- ations — og Prospect — Tegninger. „Om isbjerge 1792 - 1794”. Landsbókasafn íslands, JS 26 fol., Reykjavík, 133 pp. (InDanish). Rist, S., 1967: Jöklabreytingar 1964/65, 1965/66 og 1966/67. Jökull 17: 321-325. (In Icelandic). Rist, S., 1974: Jökulhlaupaannáll 1971, 1972 og 1973. Jökull 23: 55-60. (In Icelandic). Rist, S., 1977: Jöklabreytingar 1964/65 - 1973/74 (lOár), 1974/75og 1975/76. Jökull26:69-74. (In Icelandic). 10 JÖKULL 33. ÁR
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