Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Síða 12

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Síða 12
BIRNA LÁRUSDÓTTIR Kristján Eldjárn, Gísli Gestsson and Þorkell Grímsson to mention a few. Only the National Museum conducted archaeological work so there was a lot less activity than now. My first job was on the excavation in Herjólfsdalur in the Vestmann Islands with Margrét Hermanns-Auðardóttir, followed by the excavation in Reykjavík, directed by Else Nordahl. Many people were involved in archaeology during this time; on the Reykjavík digfor example were members of the Rio Trio [a semi famous Icelandic band] - Ágúst Atlason and Helgi Pétursson, as well as Olafur Þ. Harðarson, later a political scientist. BL: Did you get to know Kristján Eldjám [President of Iceland at the time]? MS: He invited me and Margrét Hermanns-Auðardóttir to his home in Bessastaðir once when we were excavating in Herjólfsdalur. It is fiun to be able to say thatyou have been on all fours at the President ’sfloor because that 's how it ended when he unfolded his excavation plans from Papey and showed us! BL: The largest excavation project that you have directed is without doubt the farm mound of Stóraborg, in southern Iceland. The site was under investigation for thirteen summers and still counts as the largest farm mound excavation ever conducted in Iceland. What was the story behind that project? MS: The honour goes to Þórður Tómasson [creator and curator of the famous Skógar Museum] who initiated the excavation. He had known about this farm mound which was being gradually destroyed by sea erosion. He often went there and collected finds exposed by the sea. I first heard about this by coincidence. I was visiting a museum with some students in Sweden and one of the directors had just received a text from Þórður about Stóraborg. He asked me to translate it to Swedish. It wasn 't until several years later, in 1978, that I was asked to excavate there on behalf of the National Museum. I was working in the city museum, Arbœjarsafn, at the time but was allowed to go and excavate during the summer months. The excavation was sponsored by Þjóðhátíðarsjóður and in the end the project had stretched over thirteen summers. Normally we were a group of five people who excavated for two months each summer. Mjöll Snæsdóttir; photograph taken in 2005 BL: Many current archaeologists took their fírst steps excavating with you in Stóraborg, including Adolf Friðriksson, Kristín Huld Sigurðardóttir, Orri Vésteinsson and Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson. Would it be fair to state 10 J
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Archaeologia Islandica

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