Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Side 24

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Side 24
ORRI VÉSTEINSSON 6. Schematic representation of the location of farmsteads in a typical N-Iceland valley. noteworthy that organic preservation is as a rule rather good in the Icelandic farm-mounds, even if soil conditions in the vicinity of the sites are not conducive to the preservation of organic materials. Such localised conditions are created by materials compacting to a degree where aerobic breakdown does not occur or only very slowly. The compacting of floor layers, turf collapse and middens on site therefore contributes to the retention of volume in a farm-mound, i.e. instead of breaking down to its mineral compo- nents organic materials remain intact. This is primarily significant for turf which can have a high organic content (roots) and to a lesser degree for animal bones and wood. Another local variable that affects the accumulation of farm-mounds is land- scape morphology. Icelandic farmhouses are as a rule situated on high ground, on small rises or breaks of slopes (Fig. 6). The reasons for this may be several, but easier drainage and less snow accumula- tion seem to be the most important con- siderations although defensive and aesthetic reasons may also be significant. Early settlements like Hofstaðir, Hrísheimar and Skallakot, situated in sheltered conditions at the foot of hills, are atypically located and their disadvan- tageous location may have played a part in their early abandonment. When the hillock or small rise is situated on flat land the conditions for farm-mound accu- mulation are good. When however - as is very often the case - the farm site is on a slope the outcome may be very different. In such conditions intentional removal of disused turf and refuse from the site is made much easier by the slope - the excess material is simply thrown out the doorway and will then slide down the slope (creating perhaps diagonal strati- graphies and accumulations at the foot of the slope). In such conditions rainwater will also move matter more easily and 22
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Archaeologia Islandica

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