Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Qupperneq 45

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Qupperneq 45
THREE DECADES IN THE COLD AND WET: A CAREER IN NORTHERN ARCHAEOLOGY 1993 NABO has supported field projects in Greenland, Northem Norway, the Faroe Islands, the Shetland Islands, Orkney, mainland Scotland, Barbuda/Antigua, and Iceland with personnel, expertise, and fínancial contributions. NABO has worked to pool resources and rationalize logistics, with multiple joint-purchase four wheel drive vehicles still on the road (Land Rovers a favorite) and substantial stocks of joint use fíeld gear stockpiled for multiple project use on several islands. NABO has facilitated purchase and shar- ing of expensive kit among field projects (resistivity meters, mapping GPS, flota- tion systems, cameras) as well as the con- sumable bags, tags, and cans of spam that keep projects mnning in the field. Besides such practical logistical col- laborations NABO has also worked to promote comparability in basic collec- tion, analysis, and reporting of our data sets. Given the diverse national and disci- plinary traditions represented by North Atlantic scholarship, achieving such basic comparability is no small task, and NABO working groups stmggled to pro- duce the NABONE zooarchaeology recording and data management stmcture and associated digital osteology manuals. The resulting NABONE 9.0 and FISH- BONE 1.1 digital products are available as free downloads from the NABO web- site and full CD teaching packages with additional materials and sample data sets have been mailed gratis to 379 addresses worldwide. NABO works as an ICAZ working group íhttp://www.alexandri- and is now collaborating with the Icelandic Natural History Institute and the EU STERNA program in producing a com- parable bird osteology digital product Ihttp://www.sterna-net.euA. The multi- year NABO international fíeld school and the many inter-connected field proj- ects across the region which regularly swap students and staff have promoted the adoption and spread of a basic set of excavation and recording standards largely derived from the Archaeological Institute Iceland fíeld manual (heavily modified from a Museum of the City of London model, Lucas 2003). At present the region is fortunate to have a large body of comparably trained active younger workers all now treating com- mon standards and comparable methods as a part of normal research rather than a “desirable but impossible” goal, and NABO has played a signifícant role in this accomplishment. NABO has held 22 workshops and conferences since 1992 that have facilitated professional net- working as well as comparability, and have produced several major conference publications (Bigelow 1991, Morris & Rackham 1992, Ogilvie & Jónsson 2001, Housley & Coles 2004, Gronnow et al. 2005), and NABO monographs (Lucas 2009, Morris et al. 1995, Dockrill et al. 2007). Nearly a hundred MA, MSc, and PhD theses have been aided by the NABO cooperative and McGovern has served on doctoral committees for sever- al dozen current PhD’s, including ours. Zooarchaeology is McGovem’s spe- cialty, and zooarchaeology has clearly made its own powerful contribution to Icelandic and North Atlantic archaeology in the past three decades (McGovern et al. 2006; Perdikaris and McGovern; 43
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Archaeologia Islandica

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