Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Qupperneq 98

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2010, Qupperneq 98
VÉRONIQUE FORBES, ALLISON BAIN, GUÐRÚN ALDA GÍSLADÓTTIR AND KAREN B. MILEK Context A: Floor 7531 Sample S-516 was taken from floor deposit 7531 (Table 1), a context thought to represent the use of the last turf build- ing of Vatnsíjörður after it was no longer occupied as a residence in 1906. The deposit was composed of wet organic sediment with charcoal and hay remains. The presence of a few bumt bone frag- ments, birch twigs and carbonized seeds were also noted. Figure 8 shows that insects generally associated with decaying hay clearly dominate this assemblage, forming almost 65% of it. Thus, it is tempting to suggest that the formation of the archaeo- logical deposit 7531 results from hay storage activities. Moreover, the presence of beetles associated with organic matter, along with several species indicative of outdoor environments, support this hypothesis. After having conducted experimental work on beetles from vari- ous types of floors and roofs from aban- doned buildings in the United Kingdom, Smith (1996 & 1998) points out that hay, thatch and turf interpretations based on preserved insect remains must be treated with caution, “because the majority of the species present are indicative of a specif- ic type of micro-habitat or biotype rather than the materials in which they occur” (Smith 1996, 173). There is no way to be entirely certain that the beetles found in this context are from stored hay or from grass in decaying turf or other building materials. However, work done by Dugmore (1981) on Coleoptera from southern Iceland demonstrated that Xylodromus, Corticaria, Atomaria, Lathridius and Cryptophagus species are more likely to be associated with stored hay than with any other organic material in Iceland. Moreover, the presence of other decomposers from the Staphylinidae family can also be linked B Ectoparasites 53 Fauna associated with organic matter ■ Outdoor fauna B Pests of stored products □ Dung feeders H Fauna associated with mouldy hay Figure 8. Distribution of insects from Context A according to their ecological preferences. 96
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Archaeologia Islandica

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