Hagskýrslur um kosningar - 01.01.1914, Page 9

Hagskýrslur um kosningar - 01.01.1914, Page 9
Efnisyfirlit. Table des maliéres. Inngangur. Bis. Introduclion. I’ag. 1. Tala kjósenda............................................................ 7 Xombrc dcs clccieurs 2. Kosningaliluttaka........................................................ 9 Parlicipaliou des cleclcurs 3. Ógild atkvæöi........................................................... 12 Votcs non vulables I. Frambjóðendur og þingmcnn................................................ 14 Candidals ct rcprcscntanls clus Töflur. Tablcaux I. Tala kjóscnda og grciddra atkvæða i hverjum hreppi 1908—14........... 17 Xombrc dcs étecteurs cl dcs votants dans chaquc communc I9US — I'i Viðauki: Aukakosningar 1909 og 1913.................................... 24 Appcndicc: Plcclions sujiplcmentaires PJO!) el 1913 II. Kosningaúrslit i hvcrju kjördæmi 1908—14............................... 26 Hcsullals dcs clcclions par circonscriplions clcctoralcs ÍÖUS—Ui Vidauki: Aukakosningar 1909 og 1913................................. 36 Appcndicc: Élcctions supplcmcntaircs 1909 cl 1913


Hagskýrslur um kosningar

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