Hagskýrslur um kosningar - 01.01.1960, Page 4

Hagskýrslur um kosningar - 01.01.1960, Page 4
EFNISYFIRLIT. Inngangur. 1. Breytin^ar á stjórnarskrá og kosningalögum.............................. 5 2. Tala kjósenda .......................................................... 6 3. Kosningahluttaka...................................................... 8 4. Atkvæðagreiðsla utan sveitarfélags á kjördegi...........................11 5. Bréfleg atkvæði ........................................................11 6. Auðir seðlar og ógild atkvæði...........................................12 7. Frambjóðendur og þingmenn...............................................13 8. ÍJrslit kosninganna.....................................................16 9. ÍJthlutun uppbótarþingsæta............................................16 Töflur. I. Kjósendur og greidd atkvæði eftir kaupstöðum og hreppum við sumarkosn- ingar og haustkosningar 1959 . . ..................................... 19 II. Kjósendur og greidd atkvæði í hverju kjördæmi við sumarkosningar 1959 . . 25 III. Framboðslistar í kjördæmum með hlutfallskosningu við sumarkosningar 1959 26 IV. Kosningaúrslit í hverju kjördæmi 28/6 1959 og 24/6 1956 .............. 30 V. (Jthlutun uppbótarþingsæta við sumarkosningar 1959 ................... 40 VI. Kjósendur og greidd atkvæði í hverju kjördæmi við haustkosningar 1959 . . 44 VII. Framboðslistar við haustkosningar 1959 ............................... 46 VIII. Kosningaúrslit í hverju kjördæmi í haustkosningum 1959 ................ 55 IX. (Jthlutun uppbótarþingsæta við hdustkosningar 1959.................... 59 CONTENTS. Introduction. 1. New electoral system...................................................... 5 2. Number of electors on register............................................ 6 3. Participation in elections................................................ 8 4. Voting on election day outside voters' home commune.......................11 5. Votes by letter...........................................................11 6. Blank and void ballots....................................................12 7. Candidates and elected members of Althing.................................13 8. The outcome of the elections..............................................16 9. Allocation of supplementary seats.........................................16 Tables. I. Number of electors on register and of voters in elections in June andC>cto- ber 1959 19 II. Number of electors on register and of voters in each constituency in elec- tions in June 1959 ...................................................... 25 III. Candidate lists in constituencies with proportional representation in elec- tions in June 1959 ...................................................... 26 IV. The öutcome of elections on June 28 1959 and on June 24 1956, by constituencies............................................................30 V. Allocation of supplementary seats in elections in June 1959 ...... 40 VI. Number of electors on register and of voters in each constituency in elec- tions in October 1959 ................................................... 44 VII. Candidate lists in elections in October 1959 ........................... 46 VIII. The outcome of elections in October 1959, by constituencies................55 IX. Allocation of supplementary seats in elections in October 1959 ....... 59


Hagskýrslur um kosningar

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