Hagskýrslur um kosningar - 01.01.1964, Page 6
Introduction. Pa8e
1. Numbcr of registered electors ................................................................. 5
2. Participation in elections .................................................................... 6
3. Voting by elcctors absent from constituency on election day.................................... 8
4. Voting on election day outside voters' home commune ........................................... 9
5. Blank and void ballots ........................................................................... 10
6. Candidates and elected members of Althing...................................................... 10
7. The outcome of the elections................................................................... 11
8. Allocation of supplementary seats ................................................................ 12
I. Number of electors on register and of voters in gencral elections on June 9 1963, by constitu-
cncics, districts and communes ................................................................. 14
II. Candidate lists in general elections on June 9 1963 .......................................... 20
III. The outcome of general elections on June 9 1963, by constituencies........................... 28
IV. Allocation of supplementary seats in general elections of June 9 1963 ....................... 31