Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Qupperneq 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Qupperneq 4
 Sour Grapes & Stuff This Issue's Winners Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: Hi, This may seem odd, but I like to check in on the webcams once in a while at, and I've no- ticed over the past few days that some sort of excavation or such is happening at Jökulsárlón, but I can't find any- thing about it. I'm just curious. Do you guys know anything? Lacy We don’t think it’s that odd. Jökulsár- lón is pretty dang relaxing to look at. There’s nothing like the sight of some unspoiled nature to chill you out a bit, even if you’re peering at it vicariously on the internet, from another conti- nent, whilst eating Pringles in your py- jamas. However, unspoiled nature is becom- ing more scarce over here. The current Icelandic government seems unwill- ing to tackle the idea of protecting the country’s nature from a triple-pronged attack of heavy industry, tourist foot- fall and enterprising Icelanders them- selves. So maybe some help from vigi- lante webcam-watchers is just what they need. It wouldn’t surprise us if the landowner had decided to knock up a quick ho- tel on the shores of Jökulsárlón. There have been rumours about it for a while, and after all, if there’s a square metre of land out there without a stuffed puffin purchase available, it’s an opportunity lost, right? (Actually, we don’t know what’s going on up there, but we’ll check it out—let’s hope it’s archaeology.) Keep watching the skies (webcams). – The Grapevine Check it out! Whoever sent in this issue's LOVELIEST LETTER gets a free Grapevine T-shirt, featuring the regal G that adorns our cover. DON’T PANIC if your letter wasn’t found to be this issue's loveliest. You can still get a tee for a low, low price over our website, subscriptions LOVELIEST LETTER: FREE GRAPEVINE T! LETTERS Each week, we run an In- stagram competition to win a Grapevine t-shirt. The winning pictures are posted to our account— @rvkgrapevine—and also right here in the magazine. Just tag your pictures with #GVpics to enter. Here are the winning shots from the last two weeks by @ s t a c ey. k a t z . p h o t o g r a - phy and @wesetthesails. Congrats, you two! The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 7 — 2016 4 #GVPICS INSTAGRAM COMPETITION @wesetthesails Reykjavík Art Museum HAFNARHÚS TRYGGVAGATA 17 KJARVALSSTAÐIR FLÓKAGATA 24 ÁSMUNDARSAFN SIGTÚN OPEN DAILY / +354 411 6400 ONE ADMISSION TO THREE MUSEUMS VISIT ICELAND’S LARGEST ART MUSEUM Varma is available in various tourist shops around Iceland the timeless warmth of Iceland Varma is dedicated to maintaining Icelandic tradition in developing, designing and manufacturing quality garments and accessories from the best Icelandic wool and sheepskin shearling. w w w .a rn ar tr .c om
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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