Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Qupperneq 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Qupperneq 43
Music 46The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 7 — 2016 Austurstræti 16 Tel. 551 0011 apotek.isAPOTEK KITCHEN+BAR ICELANDIC GOURMET MENU Freshly caught seafood and free range lamb – with a modern twist 6 COURSE DINNER MENU STARTS WITH A “REFRESHING“ SHOT OF THE NATIONAL SNAPS BRENNIVÍN FOLLOWED BY A BITE-SIZED TASTE OF PUFFIN OCEAN PERCH Slow cooked ocean perch, beetroot purée, spicy butter, serrano ham, beetroot MINKE WHALE Shallot vinaigrette, crispy Jerusalem artichokes SEA TROUT Yuzu mayo, tru­e mayo, crispy quinoa, apple PLAICE Samphire, green asparagus, blood orange, lime beurre blanc RACK OF FREE RANGE ICELANDIC LAMB Lamb fillet, leeks, pickled onions, browned celeriac, baked carrots, spinach and dill cream Dessert SKYR FANTASIA Skyr fromage, Skyr mousse, strawberry & lime gel, lime sponge cake 7.990 kr. Alvia Islandia. She’s one of over fifty artists performing for the first time at this year’s Secret Sol- stice. And she’s damn funky. Sure, you may have guessed it from her music video for “Sugar Complex,” in which a barroom cotton-candy machine features prominently. But it’s also evident in the way she speaks, her word choice and sen- tence structure. She’s attempting to bring the neon frenzied feel of her music into her daily life. Or perhaps, it’s the other way around. Sweet Sixteen What Alvia calls her “young cat time” was spent predominantly in 105 Reykjavík. By the time she was sixteen she had moved out and was on her own. That same year she recorded her first song. “And it was meant to be: this is just me. My life, my soul. Not a career deci- sion but a dream to live it.” As is the case with many a mu- sician, Alvia’s artistic interests ex- tend beyond the realm of music. “I’m in love with creation,” she says. “Drawing, graffiti, collect- ing stuff and changing it. I make a lot of different pieces and usu- ally give them away to people I vibe with on my way.” Alvia pens all of her own lyrical content. “My lyrics are influenced by the elf side of the moon, bubbly state of mind, wildcats, cozyslide and real stuff all put together in a riddle that sometimes only I can un- derstand,” Alvia says. She seeks out those she finds interesting, who are creating beats, and col- laborates with them. All of her re- cordings thus far have been made in Iceland. Her most recent pro- duction was forged at the Shades of Reykjavík studio with Hemmi Bridde. To each her own Alvia’s influences are vast and vary in genre. (However, let the record show Björk is her idol.) She herself is an amalgamation of several mu- sic styles. Alvia lists bass, melody, trap, electronic, rap and house as classifications her songs could hold. “I don’t really think about it, though,” she says. “If it’s grooving and soothing, it’s my jam.” Alvia hints that her new album ‘BubbleGum Bitch’, out in June, will be distinct from anything she’s done before. The company we keep All musicians face criticism, par- ticularly when starting out or when trying something a bit off- kilter. Alvia seems unperturbed by this. She’s most concerned with those residing in her inner circle. “The elves and the prrh cats that I surround myself with are on the sunny side. I do music for me, be- cause I like it. I’m having fun,” she says. “Of course there are haters, but I don’t hear them.” Her performance at Secret Sol- stice will undoubtedly be a good time. Alvia lists it as her favor- ite Icelandic music festival. And when not center stage herself, she’s looking forward to seeing fellow acts Die Antwoord and Goldie perform. A hallmark of an Alvia Islandia show is the Hubba Bubba gum she tosses to those in attendance. She dubs those who blow big bubbles of the gum in unison the Gum Gum Clan. It’s a select lot, one you’ll have the op- portunity to join this Secret Sol- stice. SHARE & LISTEN: Ladies And Gents, Alvia Islandia From humble roots, Alvia aims to change the face of hip-hop Words BY KELLEY REES Photo JIRI HRONIK ALL DAY © 2 0 16 D D I P H o ld e r L L C . Dunkin
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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