Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Qupperneq 51

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Qupperneq 51
‘Dreamland’ is a documentary about the building of the Kárahnjúkar Hy- dropower Plant in the eastern part of Iceland in the early 2000s. The film is based on the best-selling, Icelandic Literary Award-winning book ‘Dreamland: A Self-Help Man- ual for a Frightened Nation’ (2008) by Andri Snær Magnason, now a presidential candidate. The book offers a critical view of the build- ing of the plant, which was subject to much criticism at the time. It suggests that Iceland should opt to strengthen its international im- age as an environmentally friendly country, and, moreover, utilise that image as a source of income. The building of the plant took place in the years leading up to the finan- cial crisis and was met with much resistance from environmentalists. This was not only because of the serious implications the reservoir would have on the highlands north of Vatnajökull, but also because the main reason for the building of the plant was to transmit energy to Al- coa Fjarðarál's aluminium smelter, built at the time in the nearby town of Reyðarfjörður. Environmentalism as Capitalism? The film is an interesting study in Icelandic culture, because it explores the ongoing conflict be- tween neoliberalism and environ- mentalism in the country. In the early minutes of the film, while the viewer is being introduced to the challenges of this predicament, a scene, or rather a montage, shows the Kringlan shopping mall. The scene serves to depict the intense pattern of consumption that is driving society to what the film portrays as unethical use of natu- ral sources. The combination of voiceover, music, and imagery is almost frightening, because of its allusions to fear-mongering in mass culture, and suggestion that a culture of fear ultimately results in excessive emphasis on cash flow and consumption. Ironically, it can be argued that the message of the film is still one of the importance of financial growth. Rather than opposing, criticising or even undermining the capitalist ideology that lies at the foundation of the power plant and aluminum smelter, the film suggests we should simply be bet- ter at capitalism, more ethical and in touch with nature—that we should monetise environmen- talism. Whether this reflects the mentality of a nation, or not, is yet to be discovered. Bíó Paradís is screening a selection of contemporary Icelandic films in the next few weeks. They are ‘101 Reyk- javík’, ‘Heima’ (‘Home’), ‘Draumal- andið’ (‘Dreamland’) and the more recent ‘Hross í oss’ (‘Of Horses and Men’), ‘Fúsi’ (‘Virgin Mountain’), ‘Þrestir’ (‘Sparrows’) and the 2015 Un Certain Regard winner at Cannes, ‘Hrútar’ (‘Rams’). SHARE: Word s by HELGA ÞÓREY JÓNSDÓTTTIR 'Dreamland' Depicting the pattern of consumption that drives society to unethical use of natural resources Movies Retrospective54 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 7 — 2016 N Ý L E N D U G ATA 1 4 . 1 0 1 R E Y K J AV Í K TA B L E R E S E R VAT I O N S : + 3 5 4 . 5 1 7. 1 8 0 0 - W W W. F O R R E T TA B A R I N N . I S R E S T A U R A N T | B A R — H A P P Y H O U R : 4 - 7 P M Tasty Icelandic tapas and drinks by the old harbour Certificate of Excellence ——— 2015 ——— Madison Perfumery Reykjavik • Aðalstræti 9 • 101 Reykjavik tel : +354 571 7800 • Iceland’s fi rst n iche per f u mer y, offeri ng a world class selection of the fi nest ar tistic per f u mes and cosmetics i n dow ntow n R e y k j av i k Welcome to our enchanting Beauty Room where we offer a range of treatements using only the fi nest skin care products
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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