Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Qupperneq 56

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Qupperneq 56
2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015 BanThai R E S T A U R A N T w w w . b a n t h a i . i s T O P T E N BEST RESTAURANTS IN ICELAND B E S T T H A I F O O D FOOD IS MADE FRESH FROM SCRATCH, DV. 17.07.11 L a u g a v e g u r 1 3 0 T E L : + 35 4 - 6 92 - 05 64 Food Harðfiskur Food Of The Issue Words ISAAC WÜRMANN Photo ART BICNICK “What’s that stuff wrapped in plas- tic?” asked my friend visiting from Canada as we wandered around Bónus. “Is it fish?” I muttered something vague in response, about dried fish, about Icelanders loving the stuff, about photos I had seen of fish hanging from wooden beams set against an ocean back- drop. I hadn’t yet tried harðfiskur, and I wasn’t about to proceed with- out the guidance of someone much more well-versed in the ways of Icelandic cuisine than me. The next day, half the office was crowded into the kitchen of Grape- vine headquarters, passing around a bag of harðfiskur. Debates ensued over whether or not it was impera- tive to eat the dried fish with cold butter, room-temperature butter, or if butter was even necessary at all. (The consensus was eventually in favour of cold butter.) “It’s like eating wood,” said one of my fellow interns. I compared the texture to that of a carpet, or a tough woolen rug. Harðfiskur has been a staple in Icelandic diets for centuries. It’s made by drying fish, most often cod, but also haddock and wolf- fish, in the cold North Atlantic air until it becomes cured by bacteria, similar to the process of matur- ing cheese. Once it’s dried, the fish turns hard and yellow, and isn’t really edible until it’s pounded by a meat mallet, turning it into the softer harðfiskur that Icelanders know and love. All over the island you’ll see harðfiskur hanging to dry. Up close, the process looks more like a crime scene than any- thing else, with fish heads pointed to the heavens and the stench of rot in the air. But you needn’t ven- ture far from Reykjavík to taste harðfiskur yourself—you’ll find it at nearly every grocery store. In the end, though, like most things in this country, the harð- fiskur eventually won me over. The taste is comparable to other dried meats, and you could probably get away with describing harðfiskur as “fish jerky.” Once it’s slathered with butter, it’s hard not to keep going back for more. The only rea- son you won’t go through an en- tire bag in one sitting is that your jaw will be sore after a few pieces thanks to all the chewing it takes to break through the woody texture. Athletic types will also be happy to hear that harðfiskur is, like, the en- ergy food, even more so than that liquorice Alexander the Great fed his troops (see last week’s candy column for more info). Good harð- fiskur is up to 80% protein, mean- ing it will keep you going through even the toughest hikes and gla- cier-crossings that this island has to offer. Bonus points for feeling like a real badass as you gnaw on a dried fish fillet atop an Icelandic moun- tain peak. Extra bonus points for being able to use harðfiskur as a bat to fight off drunken revellers after djammið on a Reykjavík Sat- urday night. SHARE: All The Icelandic Candy! 56The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 9 — 2016 THE NEW LEGEND NEW VERSIONS OF THE ICELANDIC HOT DOG INGÓLFSTORG Organic bistro EST 2006 Tryggvagata 11,Volcano house Tel:511-1118 Mon-Sun 12:00-21:00
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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