Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Qupperneq 58

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Qupperneq 58
BOOK YOUR FLIGHT OR DAY TOUR AT AIRICELAND.IS ÍSAFJÖRÐUR ICELAND’S WESTFJORDS ARE ONLY 40 MINUTES AWAY Let’s fly ÞÓRSHÖFN VOPNAFJÖRÐUR GRÍMSEY ÍSAFJÖRÐUR AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR REYKJAVÍK is le ns ka /s ia .is F LU 7 32 63 0 3/ 15 The tarmac of Þórsmerkurvegur ends abruptly, a few kilometres inland from Seljalandsfoss, with a sudden bump that rouses the bus’s passengers from their slumber. The interruption is welcome. It signals that we’re close to our destination: the sequestered, fa- mously beautiful southern region of Þórsmörk. This wild region’s relative inaccessibility is part of its charm; it’s sealed off from casu- al visitors by several unpredictable, constantly shifting glacial rivers. We trundle through them slowly, one after the other, observ- ing safely from the high cabin of the monstrous 4x4 bus. The final hurdle is the treacherous Krossá, so-called because it criss-crosses itself across the valley floor. The driver shifts into a low gear and crawls through the deep, silty wa- ter. Emerging on the far side, we pass a pair of hikers who’ve wisely chosen to leave their car behind, using a heavy-duty movable foot- bridge that sits over the river to continue their journey on foot. The onward road deteriorates into a set of tyre marks across a vast, ashen glacial floodplain. To our right, the peak of Eyjafjal- lajökull emerges for a moment, hanging improbably high in the swirling clouds. To the left, a range of large, rough mountains appear through a distant sandstorm. We’re just entering Þórsmörk, and it already feels like another world. Wild life Our home for the next few days is the Volcano Huts—a speck of civilisation in the dramatic ex- panse of the landscape. This small cluster of wooden chalets sits on a fenced-off plot of land, shel- tered by the Þórsmörk mountain ridge, that also holds a campsite, a restaurant, a shower block, a steaming geothermal hot pot and a small sauna. Full of anticipa- tion, we drop off our bags, pick up a trail map, and head out to start the hike to the nearby 480m peak of Valahnúkur. The path plunges immediate- ly into some verdant woodland, meandering through a birch for- est, crossing several dry stream beds. Soon, we reach the long plateau where the mountain as- cent begins. It doesn’t take long to reach the top of Valahnúkur, but as we catch our breath and take in the surrounding moun- tain view, the weather starts to turn. A fast-moving wall of cloud appears, speeding towards us from the sea and obscuring the grey, river-riddled valley floor. As it’s about to hit, it turns upwards suddenly, encountering the bulge of the Þórsmörk ridge. The wispy clouds—as if they have a mind of their own—curl upwards, wrap- ping over our heads, and then dive down behind us in a cold embrace of the mountain. Off road The pathways are marked on the trail map by their condition. Some are strong lines, meaning they’re well-maintained trails; dotted lines, indicating some level of decay; and red lines, that warn of steepness or difficulty. After de- scending through a deep white fog and deciding to take a trail that circles the plateau, we descend into a rugged, grassy canyon, green with moss and alive with bees and butterflies. But when the trail terminates at the bank of the swollen Krossá river, we realise we’ve stumbled onto one of the dotted lines. For the next three hours, we negotiate a completely wild moun- tainside. It’s a mind-clearing type of hiking that requires focus and creativity—we climb over huge fallen boulders, scramble up and down steep gravel hills, visit gap- ing caves, and tiptoe carefully down the bank of the gushing Krossá. The only sign of human- kind is the occasional waymark- er—tiny, broken wooden spikes 58 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 9 — 2016TRAVEL Accommodation volcanohuts.comHiking Getting High Two days of hiking in the otherworldly Þórsmörk Words JOHN ROGERS Photos ART BICNICK
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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