Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.11.2016, Blaðsíða 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.11.2016, Blaðsíða 6
Inner Workings The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 17 — 2016 6 As we look back on this campaign season, there were moments of gold, moments of embarrassment, and moments that just made you want to break a chair against a wall. Here, we have assembled some of the very best and the very worst that Iceland's par- liamentary campaign season had to offer. Left-Greens Are Too Sexy For Social Media Campaign videos in Iceland, like in much of the rest of the world, are of- ten boring affairs: pod-people smiles, vague platitudes, and completely staged "candid" footage. The Left- Greens took a decidedly different tack in inviting artist Ragnar Kjartansson to help with their campaign videos. In one such video, a naked woman wear- ing an oversized horse mask smears blood on a wall, screams, and pulls on her nipples before Ragnar appears, telling voters that the Left-Greens support the arts. The video was a huge success, albeit a short-lived one: Face- book blocked any attempt to share it, and YouTube pulled it for "nudity and sexual content." Nonetheless, the video worked, in the sense that everyone was talking about it—even more so after it disappeared. The Independence Party: "Fuck School, Get Paid" Every election, public broadcasting service RÚV do a thing called Krak- kaRÚV ("Kids' RÚV"), wherein candi- dates are asked to speak directly to Ice- land's children on a variety of subjects. Independence Party secretary Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir took the role of speaking on the subject of educa- tion, and what her party will do for kids where this subject is concerned. Amazingly, she said that the Indepen- dence Party was seeking to shorten the amount of time kids spend in school, which she considers important be- cause, as she put it, "The world is filled with people and money and whatnot." A pretty rich contention to make, con- sidering that the state of public educa- tion in Iceland has been in dire need of improvement for some time now. Unsurprisingly, the video sparked out- rage across social media, and was one of the worst missteps the party made this season. The Progressive Party: Holy Crap What Were They Thinking? The Progressives are known for being a bit clumsy and corny in their cam- paign videos, but in this case, they re- ally crossed a line with a lot of people. In an animated video, the Progressives depict themselves as healthy, spry players on a football team. All well and good, except that they depict the Left-Greens, the Social Democrats and the Pirates as being in poor physical health, and outright disabled. The vid- eo drew considerable criticism from actually disabled people in Iceland and their friends, and is likely one of the ug- liest campaign videos we've ever seen. Not a good look on you, Progressives. The Pirate Party: Pls Vote 4 Us Kthxbye The Pirates enjoy a considerable amount of support from young peo- ple, but it can be difficult to get young people to the polls. Vísir reports that everyone between the ages of 18 and 30 whose phone number isn't on a no-call list received text messages from the Pirates, encouraging the recipient to vote for them. The Pirates were com- pletely open about this, and apologised if anyone was bothered by the texts, but it nonetheless drew the ire of an In- dependence Party voter, who contend- ed the practice is illegal. Whatever the legal ramifications of the strategy, it's undeniably effective, and a damn sight better than an automated robocall or having campaign literature stuffed in your mailbox that you're not going to read before you toss it in recycling. The Debates: Please Make The Pain Stop There is quite possibly nothing more painful than watching debates be- tween political candidates. Everyone is convinced they are in the right, ev- eryone wants to have the floor, and no one wants to concede an inch. People talk over one another, some people speak in mistruths if not outright lies. Most frustrating of all is the emotional roller coaster of watching your favorite candidate doing well or doing poorly, and the endless speculation over who won or lost the debate. They are admit- tedly effective as soundbite factories, but they still never convey more in- formation about individual platforms than simply visiting the websites of the respective parties would. Debates are an opportunity to experience a taste of the grandstanding and show- boating that we can expect once these people are actually in Parliament. It isn't information; it's entertainment. We could do without them. Share this article: GPV.IS/UTL15 Words PAUL FONTAINE Illustration LÓA HJÁLMTÝS- DÓTTIR OPINION The Best & Worst Of Campaign 2016 A Look Back As our readers are well aware, tourism has become one of the major pillars of Iceland’s economy. Arion Bank re- alises this as well, and recently is- sued an economic forecast with the ominous title, “Don’t Fly To Close To The Sun.” This report points out that tourism has indeed strength- ened the króna, but that this does not necessarily bode well for the Icelandic economy in the long run. In fact, the analysts contend that “the króna has become stronger than the economy can deal with in the long term,” and caution that the time has come to maybe “turn on the warning light.” Which is pretty reminiscent of what we were hear- ing in 2007. Braces yourselves, ev- eryone. Back to the always fun topic of elections and polling: Dunkin’ Do- nuts launched a novel campaign in the days before the elections: they marked identically flavored do- nuts with the insignia of the dif- ferent political parties running for Parliament, and used their sales figures to release a kind of elec- tion-by-donuts set of results. The actual outcome was so close to the real election results that it proved more accurate than the various sci- entific polls conducted in the coun- try. Take note, Nate Silver; we Ice- landers have discovered the perfect polling methodology. NEWS IN BRIEF #northernlightsbus #bustraveliceland Availability: Every night Pickup starts: 20:30 *October 1.–15.: 21:30 Duration: 3–5 hours Price: 6.400 ISK Warm clothing required Refreshments included Book online for a 10% discount Promo code NLB16 +354 511 2600 Northern Lights Bus
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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