Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.12.2016, Blaðsíða 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.12.2016, Blaðsíða 18
Starts with a shot of the Icelandic national spirit “Brennivín“ Puffin Smoked puffin with blueberries, croutons, goats cheese, beetroot Minke whale Date purée, wakame, teriaky “Torched“ Arctic charr Cucumber, truffle ponzu vinaigrette and yuzu mayo Icelandic roll – 4 pcs Gravlax roll with Brennivín (Icelandic traditional Snaps) and dill. Avokado, mango, cucumber, dill mayo, rye bread crumble Market fresh Ling Miso and yuzu marinated spotted ling with zucchini, chorizo, apples and Beurre Monté sauce Rack of icelandic lamb Onion purée, slow cooked leeks, chimichurri, baked carrot And to end on a high note ... Icelandic Skyr Skyr infused with birch, berries, white chocolate crumble, and sorrel granite 7.990 kr. Sushi Samba Þingholtsstræti 5 • 101 Reykjavík Tel 568 6600 • Laugavegur HverfisgataL æ kj ar ga ta Sk ó la st ræ ti Þ in g h o lt ss tr æ ti S kó lavö rð ust. Amtmannsstígur In g ó lf ss tr æ ti Lækjar- torg Our kitchen is open 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. Amazing 7 course menu A unique Icelandic Feast The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2016 18 Whippet: Good “As you see, against my husband’s wishes, our house is full of whippets.” By SVETLANA GRAUDT Photo by FIZKES/ISTOCK When the whippet, a type of sighthound, breaks into a double suspension gallop, it’s breathtak- ing to behold. It seems to defy gravity. One moment the dog has four legs on the ground—the next, its lean, light body is paral- lel to the racetrack. The origins of whippets go back to British greyhounds that were thought to be too small for stag hunting. Since the Middle Ages, the larger greyhounds have always been owned by the nobility. The smaller whippets, because of their size and modest appetite, became the poor man’s racing dog. They kept the children of Welsh farm- ers warm at night, and were used for poaching and rag racing. While the Icelandic sheepdog first came to Iceland when Norwe- gian Vikings colonised the island in the late 9th century, the first whippet is thought to have arrived to Iceland in the mid-1970s, with a British-Icelandic couple. Perhaps a more familiar sight in the hipper districts of conti- nental cities, the whippet was thought to be an oddity in Reykja- vík. Gunnur Sif Sigurgeirsdóttir, the founder of Leifturs Whippet, the first whippet club in Iceland, says that when the Icelandic vet- erinarian saw the skinny dog, pre- sumably unfit to survive in harsh Icelandic conditions, he thought the owners should put him out of his misery. A “leiftur” is a “flash,” or a “gleam”—a fitting word for the dog well known for its long limbs, light body, keen eyes and speed. Gunnur got her first whippet when she was living in Norway. “Sighthounds always fascinated me. I thought they were very beau- tiful and interesting dogs. But I thought greyhounds were too big. We had small children at the time and there was not much room in the car, and then someone said, ‘What about the whippets?’ They were more family size.“ She recalled seeing her first whippet puppy: “My husband [Gunnar] and I saw all these whip- pets running into the house for feeding. They had big eyes, they were skinny. On the way back to the hotel, my husband said to me, ‘Gunnur, you are not going to fill the house with those creatures, are you?’” Gunnur bursts out laughing at the memory and points at her dogs: “As you see, against my hus- band’s wishes, our house is full of whippets.” Right now, includ- ing the puppies that will start to move out at eight weeks old, she has six dogs living at home. The most puppies she’s ever had in her house at one time was thirteen. Breeding is a hobby for Gun- nar, who grew up in Sweden sur- rounded by dogs. “In twelve years, I’ve had eleven litters. I have had puppies from ten puppies to one.“ She enjoyed it so much that he decided to keep going. The de- mand for whippets in Iceland, Gunnur explained, is not very big. But people who get one puppy of- ten come back for the second one. Being the only breeder in Ice- land in the early days had its chal- lenges. “When I started,” Gunnur recalls, “I had two bitches and one male dog. I could just not call another breeder and say, 'Can I please borrow your stud?'” At one point, she imported frozen whip- pet sperm from Sweden. Another issue was Iceland’s antiquated dog laws. In 1924, the city of Reykjavík banned keep- ing dogs as pets, to prevent dogs from passing a type of tapeworm to humans. For a long time, dogs were banned from main streets of Reykjavík. Even today, dogs must be kept on a lead and are banned from public transport. Anyone living in multi-apartment build- ings who wishes to get a dog must receive consent from their neigh- bours. It’s time for these laws and attitudes to change, says Gunnur. “Before, a dog was something you saw on a farm. But things have changed very much since I was a teenager. The kennel club has done an incredible job. And more and more people are now raised up with dogs.” There are over 100 whippets in Iceland today. Gunnur’s dream is that their number will slowly grow. “After ten years of breed- ing, I can see my efforts are now getting somewhere. I would like to carry on,” she says. Leifturs Whippet is planning a club show in April next year, Gun- nur says, when the sighthound club will celebrate its seventh an- niversary. The plan is to showcase the whippets, the Afghan Hounds, the saluki and Italian whippets be- fore a well-known Swedish judge. “We have invited a Chihuahua club to join us.” SHARE: OPINION
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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