Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.12.2016, Blaðsíða 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.12.2016, Blaðsíða 27
27The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 18 — 2016 “Isn’t it a kind of extravagance to try and save the coun- try before you have solid ground be- neath your feet?” With ‘Land Of Love And Ruins’, Oddný bounds further into the realm of fiction, but keeps her gaze fixed on what’s familiar. Like Rilke’s ‘Notebooks of Malte Lau- rids Brigge’, Oddný’s “diary” leads its reader through the first-per- son landscape of a life and a mind. The narrator uses her daily writ- ings to tease out questions of in- timacy and solitude; of building, breaking and rebuilding relation- ships; of a person as part of the whole; of what even is the whole. “I used the book to write about the intimacy of family members, like my relationship with my brother,” she says. “It took a while for us to reinvent this intimacy. We had lost it, then we found it again and had to create it with a lot of work. I think it’s worthwhile to write about that; how to make intimate relationships… it’s not easy. It will never be easy, actu- ally, to be close to someone.” “Closeness has to be like running water; it mustn’t stagnate and turn sour.” There is a compulsion amongst most writers to write about what is painful, what is broken, what is wrong. “We need to talk about ugly things,” Oddný says. “It’s much more difficult to write about things which are beauti- ful. I have tried to write about my last love relationships, tried to capture what was beautiful, but it comes out as cliché: ‘I feel very good, it’s very nice’. But I do want to write about what is beautiful.” To w rite gracef ul ly about “what is nice, what is beautiful,” requires a lot of effort. “I believe in evolution,” Oddný says. “And I believe in smaller evolutions. The destructive forces are so active; they are always there to break down love, to break down fami- lies, to break down societies. To put it into shit and violence. These forces are so strong that you can- not just be passive. If you want to fight against it you have to be, somehow, active.” A year and a half ago Oddný’s son was born. She moved to the South Coast and commenced cre- ating her “happy little family on the farm.” She had sheep. She had a goat. She had the dream. When we meet to talk it is in a café on the sleet-covered streets of Vesturbær. Her house is just down the block, her books are still in boxes from her move back to Reykjavík. “Fuck the sheep,” she tells me, with the playful re- silience of a mother. “Fuck the dream.” “The family form is probably one of the forms that needs to be blown apart at regular intervals, to allow it to realign itself in the grass and grow from the soil anew.” Her teal eyes and twirling mind look into the rain on the other side of the window. Even on her down days, in cozy mornings at a café in Vesturbær, Oddný is collecting. Maybe it’s a thought that will end up in one of the three books she is currently working on. Maybe it’s a diary note, or something more fleeting. Even though she’s back in Reykjavík, Oddný is still that little girl in the countryside. An “ac- tive stranger,” as she described it. Taking it all in: collecting, recol- lecting, preparing for the winter. “You mustn’t bury yourself alive, for- get to rise up or bind yourself to the dust in melancholy surrender.” All quotes from 'Land of Love and Ruins'. Profile “The Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll is as eccentric in its telling as the tale it celebrates.” David Fricke, Rolling Stone. The museum is located in Keflavík only 5 minutes away from Keflavík International Airport. Open daily from 11am - 6pm For more go to Visit Iceland's largest music museum and enjoy our history of Icelandic rock and pop music. Browse through the timeline of Icelandic pop and rock music with the Rock 'n' Roll app on Ipads, spend time in our soundlab, cinema, karaoke booth, gift store, exhibitions or simply grab a cup of coee at our café (free wifi!). THE ICELANDIC MUSEUM OF ROCK 'N' ROLL The Icelandic Museum of Rock 'n' Roll RESTAURANT- BAR 7.990 kr. Vesturgata 3B | 101 Reykjavík | Tel: 551 2344 | Taste the best of Iceland ... ... in one amazing meal ICELANDIC GOURMET FEAST Starts with a shot of the infamous Icelandic spirit Brennívín Followed by 7 delicious tapas • Smoked puffin with blueberry “brennivín” sauce • Icelandic Arctic Charr with peppers-salsa • Lobster tails baked in garlic • Pan-fried line caught blue ling with lobster-sauce • Grilled Icelandic lamb Samfaina • Minke Whale with cranberry-sauce And for dessert • White chocolate "Skyr" mousse with passion fruit coulis late night dining Our kitchen is open until 23:30 on weekdays and 01:00 on weekends
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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