Landshagir - 01.11.2005, Qupperneq 163
Samgöngur og upplýsingatækni
Umferðarslys 1999-2004
Road traffic accidents 1999-2004
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Öll umferðarslys og óhöpp Accidents and traffic incidents Alls Total 7.369 8.057 7.839 7.832 7.952 8.658
Eignatjón eingöngu Material damage only 6.174 7.055 6.976 6.825 7.145 7.848
Slys á fólki Accidents involving injuries' 1.174 979 844 985 787 790
Banaslys Accidents involving death 21 23 19 22 20 20
Fjöldi látinna og slasaðra Persons kilied or injured
Alls Total 1.726 1.520 1.302 1.514 1.244 1.179
Látnir í slysum Persons killed 21 32 24 29 23 23
Fjöldi slasaðra Persons injured 1.705 1.488 1.278 1.485 1.221 1.156
Lítið slasaðir Persons with minor injuries 1.483 1.316 1.120 1.321 1.076 1.041
Mikið slasaðir Persons with major injuries 222 172 158 164 145 115
Flokkun látinna og slasaðra í vegfarendahópa Persons kitted or injured by category of road users
Ökumenn bifreiða Drivers of private cars 908 718 722 779 641 597
Ökumenn vélhjóla Drivers of motorcycles 32 22 26 24 16 26
Ökumenn léttra vélhjóla Drivers of mopeds 4 9 4 9 8 3
Ökumenn reiðhjóla Drivers ofbicycles 52 53 30 24 57 47
Farþegar Passengers 592 592 431 556 436 409
Fótgangendur Pedestrians 125 114 87 115 85 89
Aðrir Other 13 12 2 7 1 8
Kyn látinna og slasaðra Persons killed or injured by sex
Karlar Males 861 804 691 789 644 654
Konur Females 865 716 611 725 600 525
Af 100.000 íbúum Per 100,000 inhabitants
Alls Total 623 541 457 527 430 403
Þar af dánir Of whom killed 7,6 11,4 8,4 10,1 8,0 7,9
Slasaðir og dánir eftir aldri Persons kitted or injured by age óáraogyngri 0-6 years 158 165 133 211 173 116
7-14 ára years 340 338 281 310 284 251
15-16 ára years 1.150 942 746 1.098 589 501
17-20 ára years 2.203 1.878 1.474 2.015 1.513 1.481
21-24 ára years 1.184 966 818 841 741 841
25-64 ára years 529 450 409 434 379 355
65 og eldri 65 years and over 466 446 351 382 301 254
Fjöldi ökumanna, sem lentu í slysum Drivers involved in accidents
Ökumenn alls Drivers, total 2.108 1.672 1.453 1.695 1.311 1.300
Fólksbílar 1-8 farþega Private cars2 1.730 1.337 1.234 1.402 1.097 1.035
Fólksbílar stærri en 9 farþega Buses 42 38 27 28 24 26
Vörubílar og sendibílar Lorries and vans3 183 146 111 144 106 113
Vélhjól, þ.m.t. létt vélhjól Motorcycles and mopeds 38 31 31 33 26 31
Önnur ökutæki Other vehicles 58 66 20 64 43 65
Reiðhjól Bicycles 57 54 30 24 15 30
Slys á hver 1.000 skráð ökutæki Pcr 1,000 registered vehicles
Fólksbílar 1-8 farþega Private cars2 11,4 8,4 7,7 8,7 6,6 5,9
Fólksbílar stærri en 9 farþega Buses 25,9 22,7 15,8 16,5 14,0 14,8
Vörubílar og sendibílar Lorries and vans3 10,3 . 7,5 5,6 7,1 5,0 4,9
Vélhjól, þ.m.t. létt vélhjól Motorcycles and mopeds 18,2 13,6 17,7 12,9 9,5 10,0
1 Tölur eru ekki samanburðarhæfar við erlendar skýrslur vegna ólíkrar skráningar slysa. Figures are not comparable with foreign and international reports
because of different registration of injuries.
2 Þ.m.t. leigúbílar, jeppar, kennslubifreiðar og bílaleigubílar. Including taxis, jeeps, instruction cars and rented cars.
3 Þ.m.t. dráttarbílar. Including articulated lorries.
Heimildir Sources: Umferðarstofa, Hagstofa íslands. Road Traffic Directorate, Statistics Iceland.