Landshagir - 01.11.2005, Qupperneq 217
wj Einkaneysla heimila 2000-2004
• / Householdfinal consumption expenditure 2000-2004
2000 2001 2002 2003 20041
Milljónir kr. á verðlagi hvers árs Million ISK at currentprices 01 Maturog drykkjarvörur Food and non-alcoholic beverages 57.594 63.111 66.205 63.007 66.813
02 Afengi og tóbak Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 16.789 18.289 19.725 20.405 20.982
03 Föt og skór dothing andfootwear 23.667 24.197 23.065 23.526 24.886
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 64.534 69.305 74.618 81.872 88.790
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl. Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance 26.458 28.113 28.002 30.109 32.832
06 Heilsugæsla Health 10.703 11.995 13.108 14.115 15.189
07 Ferðir og flutningar Transport 60.940 56.398 57.449 67.817 80.595
08 Póstur og sími Communication 8.053 9.557 11.172 12.176 12.885
09 Tómstundir og menning Recreation and culture 43.306 47.551 48.796 50.572 53.941
10 Menntun Education 4.266 4.748 5.373 5.916 6.120
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir Restaurants and hotels 29.295 31.650 31.970 33.670 35.942
12 Aðrar vörur og þjónusta Miscellaneous goods and services 20.907 22.813 22.614 23.658 25.560
Utgjöld erlendra manna á Islandi Directpurchases abroad by resident households -17.967 -22.881 -22.844 -24.531 -26.079
Otgjöld íslendinga erlendis Direct purchases in the domestic marked by non-resident households 37.082 36.400 33.257 39.818 48.501
Einkaneysla heimila alls Househoid Final Consumption Expenditure of Resident Househoids 385.627 401.246 412.509 442.131 486.959
13 Starfsemi samtaka Non-profit institutions serving households (NPlSHs) 14.339 15.819 17.113 18.232 19.140
Einkaneysla alls Final Consumption Expenditure 399.966 417.064 429.621 460.363 506.099
Magnvísitölur (2000=100) Volume indices (1990=100) 01 Matur og drykkjarvörur Food and non-alcoholic beverages 100,0 103,2 104,7 104,3 109,3
02 Áfengi og tóbak Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 100,0 101,7 103,0 100,4 102,1
03 Föt og skór Clothing andfootwear 100,0 101,8 99,0 104,9 110,8
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 100,0 101,3 103,1 104,4 105,4
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl. Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance 100,0 99,6 91,8 99,7 109,1
06 Heilsugæsla Health 100,0 104,0 105,1 106,6 108,7
07 Ferðir og flutningar Transport 100,0 86,0 84,7 99,0 112,3
08 Póstur og sími Communication 100,0 111,5 123,8 130,6 136,7
09 Tómstundir og menning Recreation and culture 100,0 100,2 95,6 100,1 105,3
10 Menntun Education 100,0 105,0 105,7 106,6 108,0
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir Restaurants and hotels 100,0 100,8 95,4 99,3 103,9
12 Aðrar vörur og þjónusta Miscellaneous goods and services 100,0 101,3 93,7 95,5 102,2
Utgjöld erlendra manna á Islandi Directpurchases abroad by resident households 100,0 118,6 112,9 120,3 125,2
Utgjöld íslendinga erlendis Directpurchases in the domestic marfced by non-resident households 100,0 81,6 74,8 92,6 112,1
Einkaneysla heimila alls Household Final Consumption Expenditure of Resident Households 100,0 96,6 94,7 100,5 107,6
13 Starfsemi samtaka Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) 100,0 103,5 104,5 105,4 105,8
Einkaneysla alls Final Consumption Expenditure 100,0 96,8 95,1 100,6 107,6
Hlutfallsleg skipting einkaneyslu, % Percent distribution of private consumption 01 Matur og drykkjarvörur Food and non-alcoholic beverages 14,4 15,1 15,4 13,7 13,2
02 Afengi og tóbak Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 4,2 4,4 4,6 4,4 4,1
03 Föt og skór Clothing andfootwear 5,9 5,8 5,4 5,1 4,9
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 16,1 16,6 17,4 17,8 17,5
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl. Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance 6,6 6,7 6,5 6,5 6,5
06 Heilsugæsla Health 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,1 3,0
07 Ferðir og flutningar Transport 15,2 13,5 13,4 14,7 15,9
08 Póstur og sími Communication 2,0 2,3 2,6 2,6 2,5
09 Tómstundir og menning Recreation and culture 10,8 11,4 11,4 11,0 10,7