Landshagir - 01.11.2005, Qupperneq 218
Einkaneysla 2000-2004 (frh.)
Householdfinal consumption expenditure 2000-2004 (cont.)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004'
10 Menntun Education 1,1 1,1 1,3 1,3 1,2
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir Restaurants and hotels 7,3 7,6 7,4 7,3 7,1
12 Aðrar vörur og þjónusta Miscellaneous goods and services Utgjöld erlendra manna á íslandi Directpurchases abroad by 5,2 5,5 5,3 5,1 5,1
resident households Utgjöld íslendinga erlendis Directpurchases in the domestic -4,5 -5,5 -5,3 -5,3 -5,2
marked by non-resident households Einkanevsla heimila ails Household Final Consumption 9,3 8,7 7,7 8,6 9,6
Expenditure of Resident Households 96,4 96,2 96,0 96,0 96,2
13 Starfsemi samtaka Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,0 3,8
Einkaneysla alls Final Consumption Expenditure 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
Samneysla 1999-2004
Governmentfinal consumption expenditure 1999-2004
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004'
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. Million ISK at currentprices
Samneysla alls Governmentfinal consumption expenditure 142.430 157.934 176.656 200.473 211.529 226.259
Laun og tengd gjöld Compensation of employees 88.418 96.056 109.145 123.991 133.968 144.002
Afskriftir Consumption of fixed capital 12.586 13.487 14.520 15.193 16.044 17.157
Kaup á vöru og þjónustu, nettó Purchases ofgoods and serv., net 41.426 48.392 52.991 61.288 61.517 65.100
Kaup Purchases 65.254 73.777 80.989 94.172 98.258 104.081
Sala Sales 23.828 25.385 27.998 32.883 36.741 38.981
Hlutfallsleg skipting % Percentage breakdown
Samneysia alls Government final consumption expenditure 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Laun og tengd gjöld Compensation of employees 62,1 60,8 61,8 61,8 63,3 63,ó
Afskriftir Consumption of fixed capital 8,8 8,5 8,2 7,6 7,6 7,6
Kaup á vöru og þjónustu, nettó Purchases of goods and serv., net 29,1 30,6 30,0 30,6 29,1 28,8
Kaup Purchases 45,8 46,7 45,8 47,0 46,5 46,0
Sala Sales 16,7 16,1 15,8 16,4 17,4 17,2
1 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
Economic growth 1981—2004