Landshagir - 01.11.2005, Page 260
Lánakerfið. Reikningar og útlánaflokkun 2000-2004
Accounts of the credit system 2000-2004
Staða í árslok, millj. kr. Position at end ofyear, million ISK 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004'
Eignir Assets
Útlán og verðbréfaeign Loans and bonds 1.611.199 1.920.332 1.982.240 2.208.349 2.650.204
Bankakerfið Banking system 687.825 783.072 845.662 1.035.079 1.416.670
Ymis lánafyrirtæki Miscellaneous credit undertakings 430.945 520.414 509.959 550.918 634.143
Lífeyrissjóðir Pension funds 424.848 494.388 554.612 628.747 720.691
Tryggingarfélög Insurance companies 46.999 52.714 56.015 64.313 66.925
Verðbréfa- og fjárfestingasjóðir Mutual and investmentfunds 73.755 90.233 125.644 184.699 256.522
Útlönd Foreign sector 705.852 914.409 872.575 1.131.722 1.613.057
Lánasjóðir ríkisins State lendingfunds 264.936 349.320 338.782 327.906 312.962
Millisamtala Subtotal, gross 2.635.160 3.204.550 3.303.249 3.923.384 5.020.970
Frá dragast innbyrðis viðskipti Less inter-institutional lending -1.023.961 -1.284.218 -1.321.009 -1.715.035 -2.370.766
Eignir = skuldir Assets = liabilities 1.611.199 1.920.332 1.982.240 2.208.349 2.650.204
Skuldir Liabilities
Innlendar skuldir lánakerfisins Domestic liabilities of the credit system 1.127.303 1.286.400 1.378.738 1.646.385 1.885.382
Innlán og seðlar Notes and deposits 268.727 308.793 350.306 427.077 468.997
Verðbréf Securities 151.432 161.553 161.908 235.146 267.647
Tryggingarsjóður Insurance indemnity fund 39.164 45.277 47.269 49.514 50.676
Lífeyrissjóðir Pensionfunds 557.283 633.477 664.599 805.091 950.704
Eigið fé lánastofnana Capital of financial institutions 123.144 155.139 185.171 221.604 378.907
Annað nettó Other, net -12.447 -17.839 -30.515 -92.047 -231.549
Erlendar skuldir nettó Foreign credit 483.895 633.932 603.502 561.964 764.822
Erlend lán Foreign loans 705.852 914.409 872.575 1.131.722 1.613.057
Stuttar kröfur á útlönd Short-term claims on foreigners -38.665 -40.254 -63.450 -194.024 -312.895
Erlend verðbréfaeign innlendra aðila Foreign market securities
owned by residents -183.292 -200.121 -158.898 -261.887 -344.283
Erlend útlán Foreign lending - -40.102 -46.725 -113.847 -191.057
Útlánaflokkun Lending by borrowers2 Eignir Assets
Samtals útlán Total lending 1.611.199 1.920.332 1.982.241 2.208.349 2.650.204
Ríkissjóður og ríkisstofnanir Central government 124.277 156.345 159.102 152.175 186.129
Bæjar- og sveitarfélög Municipalities 71.837 88.378 91.967 113.049 119.692
Atvinnuvegir Enterprises 801.250 966.904 972.569 1.170.996 1.465.695
Heimili Households 613.835 708.705 758.603 772.129 878.688
Skýringar Notes: Með lánakerfi er átt við bankakerfi, ýmis lánafyrirtæki, lífeyrissjóði, lánasjóði ríkisins, tryggingarfélög, verðbréfa- og fjárfestingasjóði og
útlönd. Included are the Central Bank, deposit money banks, mortgage departments of commercial and savings banks, investment credit funds,
other state lendingfunds, pension funds, insurance companies, leasing companies, mutual funds and foreign sector.
1 Bráðabirgðatölur og áætlaðar tölur að hluta. Preliminary data and estimates.
2 Útlánaflokkun að nokkru leyti áætluð. Data partly estimated.
Heimild Source: Seðlabanki íslands. Central Bank of Iceland.